
How old were you when you first realized what your parents did to make you?

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I asked this last night, but wanted to ask again because I had some funny answers!! hugz!!




  1. I was adopted as an infant and my parents always joked that they went to the store and got me so I was able to stay in denial a bit longer. My bio-parents were just kind of a hazy fantasy for a long time and when I met my bio-mom she was nothing like I expected. Plus I was 19 by then and the fact that she had obviously had s*x with my bio-dad (who remains a hazy fantasy as I know very little about him) and made me didn't bother me, especially since she made the wise and selfless choice to let me be adopted by my parents.

  2. last year probably when i was 11

  3. i dont remember....

  4. six but who made you is not important as who loves you

  5. dunno probably pretty young, my parents always explained everything to me (tactfully of course), i outwitted my babysitting aunt when i was just barely out of the toddler age in a i always been pretty smart about things since my parents given me chanse to learn from early on

    probably learned it around the time i got my younger sib, so around 3-4 *s* i probably learned it to some degree

    really dont know, so just guessing cause its to far back for me to remember it *s* i grown up on the countryside so i always knew how animals reproduce, live and die

  6. Lmao 10.

    I found out when my neighbours were having s*x and i heard screams and it so happened that my bedroom was connected to their bedroom so I asked my Mom what was happing and she told me to forget it and that she'll tell me LATER. Err, I was curiious so I asked my friends when I went to school who didn't know who asked their brothers who eventualy explained everything. [:

    LOL im so lame.

  7. six my parents are quiet open with all that  

  8. ooooooooooooooooo gross!

  9. hmmmm ... when I was about 13 ...

  10. At six or maybe a little before ,,,, Uncle was a live stock breeder and I saw all phases of the process with live stock  including the method of sperm collection ,,,, It wasn't hard to correlate what I'd seen and learned to human reproduction ,,,, //  

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