
How old were you when you had your babies?

by  |  earlier

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just curious how old everyone was when they had their babies... and were u married at the time? im ot gonna bash anyone for not being married or being young lol im just bored :)

17 miscarriage not married but i did eventually marry this guy :)

19 married and miscarried

20 when i got preg 21 when i had him ( 4 yrs ago)




  1. Yes, I was married. I got pregnant at 20 and had our daughter at 21. Now I'm 32wks pregnant at age 23.

  2. 20 when I got pregnant~SURPRISE

    Got married 3 months later

    Had a wonderful girl 2 weeks after my 21st birthday

    23 when I had my wonderful second child, a son.

    We have been married for 10 years and still loving it all.

  3. im planning to have children starting at the age of 29...i hope thats decent age

  4. 29 years old.

    My mom was 21 and my sister 19. I guess I'm the old maid in my family!

  5. I was 22 when I was prego, proud mommy of a 3 yr. old boy, who is reallllly bad!! LOL

  6. I was:

    20 with my first

    21 with my second

    26 with my current

    I married 2 years before my first and still happily married to him

  7. Pregnant at 21 with my first, had him when I was 22. Pregnant at 22 with my second and had her when I was 23. Still not married, but both were planned and they're the best things to have happened to us! We've been together for 5 years so far and it's still going good between us!

  8. 19 with my first, wasn't married and didn't marry him (thank god)

    now 24 with my 2nd and my hubby and I have been married for almost a year.

  9. 1st on I was 19, 2nd one I was 22, and the 3rd I was 25.  I wasn't married until I almost had my 2nd child.

  10. i was 18 when i got pregnant, was the best thing that ever happened to me cause my life changed around, from terrible to AMAZING!

    i had her at 19, and saved up and saved up and bought my first house when i was 20-

    im 21 and im 16 weeks pregnant, im so excited to find out the gender in 3 more weeks!!!!! CANT WAIT! lol

    thanks for askin though.

  11. 20, I'm happily married to my highschool sweetheart.

    Annabelle is 3 months old.

  12. 19

  13. I was 21 (now 22) when I had my son.Yes I was married.Our 5 year anniversary was 13 days after my sons birth date.

  14. 20 with my baby girl (didn't marry this guy, I left him when I was 5 months pregnant and the best decision in my life so far) Now I'm 24 and trying for my second one for 14 months now.

  15. 30 and married

  16. 22 the first

    23 the second

    then got married

    26 the third (and last)

    still married, still in love.

  17. 39, pregnant for the first time (will be 40 when the baby gets here) and yes I am married. We  found out we were going to have our baby 3 weeks before our first anniversary!

  18. 18-miscarriage;unmarried

    19-preganant; got engaged on our 1 year anniversary-2 days before we found out i was pregnant

    almost 20 when i had him (5 months ago)

  19. Im 15 wks pregnant and married to my highschool sweetheart~! I'll be 21 when I have our baby. =]

  20. 19 (pregnant) 20 had her- not married however I did just get married to him.

    I am 24 and about 4 weeks pregnant and HAPPILY MARRIED!

  21. My first and only pregnancy I was 20 when I got pregnant and my baby was born 3 days after I turned 21. I wasn't married to the guy but we'd been together for quite a while. We're still together but not married. We love each other but we want to do that on our own time and not just b/c someone thinks we should get married b/c we have a kid together.

  22. 17 miscrried, 18 miscarried! 20 married had baby #1 at 20!   at 22 had new man! and  at 23 had #2 !got married to him oct 07 and just had # 3 to early and he pastd away!  all boys !!!

  23. 19 pregnant not married but we are married now

    almost 20 when i had her.

    21 miscarriage.  married.

    21 pregnant and 22 when i had her. very happily married!

  24. I am pregnant with my first, due in October. I am 23 and happily married and in love to the man I have been with since we were 15.

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