
How old were you when you had your first? and when do u think its 'ok' to have a child?

by Guest59738  |  earlier

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how old were you when you had your first? and when do u think its 'ok' to have a child???




  1. I had my first at 20.  I love my daughter but I wish I would have waited until I was financially, and mentally ready.  There is no set age that makes you "ready".  It depends on the person and their situation.  For me I wish I would have waited until my late twenties to early thirties!

  2. My husband and I were both 23(we had our baby this year). I think the "okay" age is when you can financially and emotionally care for a child. If you cannot support yourself then it's safe to say you won't be able to support a baby.

  3. i fell pregnant at16 and had my little girl when i was 17...i miscarried a twin they suspected too....

    I think you shouldnt really be younger than 16...due to reason etc.....

    But i think if you are truly mature enough...financially stable and that is what you want...then who is to tell you its wrong.

  4. i got preggers at 20 had my frist at 21 and i think it all depends on the person because it totaly channges your world

  5. I was 16 when i fell preganat and my partner was 15. we got a unit together and set ourselves up for the lil baby we were about to bring into the world. we were both working full time, until half way through my pregnancy i had to quit due to complacations. Anyway...all went well in the end and iam happy to say that we are now engaged our daughter is almost 5 and we have a 15mnth old son. life couldnt be any better!! :)

  6. 23 with my first, 26 with my second, and I am seven months pregnant with my third....I will be 28 at the time.  I guess it all just depends when you are ready financially and emotionally.  My husband and I were married for 4 years before we had our first child.  I guess it depends on the individual situation.  :)

  7. I was 24.  When it's ok ... when you're in a stable, loving relationship and can financially afford to bring a child into this world.

  8. I was 25 almost 26. I think its OK when you have a partner that will stay with you, a job and health insurance, not state insurance.

  9. I was 17 when I had my son. There are many factors that can determine when it is "ok" or not to have a child, and age is only one of them.

  10. I'm 21 and my husband is 19 - our baby will be born Next February (so we will be 22 and 20) and I think it is okay to have a child when you are in a loving, supportive , committed relationship with someone - such as a marriage. If you wait until you are "ready" it will never happen because there is always something that makes life not perfect.

    I got health insurance 2 days before I found out I was pregnant, ironic? haha. I don't really think it's necessary to have health insurance to have a child - but it helps.

  11. I was 14 and the biological father was 20/21 when we had our son. I KNOW I shouldn't have had s*x when I was 14. I know I shouldn't have had s*x with a 20/21 year old when I was 14. But as soon as I found out I was pregnant I got a job at a restraunt (washing dishes) and any other job I could find. I did homeschool and finished it this year :)  I don't recomend having a child at 14. But honestly, a baby doesn't ruin your life. It doesn't destroy your future. It's just another person you have to think about when you are making decisions in life.You can GO TO SCHOOL and WORK and HAVE A BABY and BE HAPPY. Trust me.

    I am now engaged and going to have anther baby within the next year, then going to college to be a neo-natal nurse :)

    Things before anyone should even THINK of having a  baby:

    BOTH parents need a stable job. Or at least one a stable job (depending on if you can afford living off of one income)

    Your own place to live.

    Financially ready to have a child.

    BOTH parents WANT a child.

    Mentally ready to have a child.

    Mature enough mentally and emotionally to have a child.

    Physically stable to have a child.

    When you are ready to make decisions based on WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY.

    You are in a commited relationship (marrige, engagement)

    That's when you should have a child.

    *Age doesn't make a mother...Action make a mother*

  12. Call me old fashioned, but I think it's ok to have a child when you are married, financially stable (including health ins.) and able to provide a good home for your baby.

    I had my 1st at 28, 2nd at 29.

  13. I will be 19 when my triplets are born and my husband will be 24.

    The right time is whenboth parents a financially and emotionally secure and are ready for children :)

  14. I don't have my first child yet, but I think it's "ok" to have a child about 9 months after you concieve that child. Anything else would be saying that I believe in forcing people to abort their children or give them up for adoption.

    When I think the best time to have a child is differs from that a bit. I believe that the best time to have a child is when you are financially and emotional prepared and are absolutely ready to give up everything for that child.

  15. Seventeen :)  I think it's okay when you can emotionally, physically, and financially take care of a baby, and yourself. There's no "set" age, it's different for everyone.

    Hope the family is doing well girl!

  16. i had my first when i was 15 and i think when you have your life planed and a good job and know u can support a new baby and  great husband  who also has a great job and wants a family then its okay.

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