
How old were you when you had your first baby?

by Guest58497  |  earlier

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I have a few questions.. Me and my partner are thinking of trying for a baby soon so i thought i would ask a few questions..

How old were you when you had your first baby?

Did you regret it?

Was it as hard as you thought it would be?

Are you still with the father?

Was it planned?

Did your relationship change?

Was it hard financially?

Anything else you want to add..





  1. How old were you when you had your first baby? 19

    Did you regret it? No

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be? Yes, but challenging in different ways.

    Are you still with the father?  Yes, we are married.

    Was it planned?  Not really.

    Did your relationship change?  Yes.

    Was it hard financially?  Yes, it was and still can be.  I'm going to school full time, we own a house, and things do get hard but we make it work.

  2. How old were you when you had your first baby?

    ~i was 21 when i got pregnant, 22 when i had him

    Did you regret it?

    ~no way, i miss the freedom i had sometimes but my kids are so worth it

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be?

    ~it wasnt so hard at first, but the terrible twos are def challenging

    Are you still with the father?

    ~yes and we have gotten married and had another baby since

    Was it planned?

    ~it wasn't planned, but ut was one of those its ok if it happens kind of things

    Did your relationship change?

    ~it changed in several ways...we dont get as much alone time together so that can cause some tension sometimes. but it also made me love him so much more because he helped me make such a beautiful creature

    Was it hard financially?

    ~not really. once you have kids you think of yourself less so you dont worry about the things yoy may be missing

  3. 24 years old


    Yes and no ( it is a lot of work, but very worth it)

    Yes, father and I are happily married for 12 years.

    Yes, both children were planned.

    Yes, our relationship did change, for a few years it was all about the kids (not the right thing to do), we just got overwhelmed. But at the years went on we realized we needed "together time".  Now we make that time.

    Financially, it was OK, although my husband and I at the time did not make alot of money, we knew we could afford a child, but we wold have to give up a few things.  With children there are always expenses, but we knew that going into it.

    One thing I would like to add is that when I first had children, I thought I was super busy and when they got older 8+, I would have more time for "me", well I was wrong.  As they get older, I am more busy. Between activities and school they keep me on the go.  I actually had more time when they were younger, just never realized it.

    Just remember to enjoy every minute of them, they grow so fast.

  4. havent had one yet

  5. How old were you when you had your first baby? 20

    Did you regret it? Not one bit

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be? Yes

    Are you still with the father? Yes, we are married now.

    Was it planned? No, total surprise.

    Did your relationship change? Yes, unfortunately we argue a lot more.

    Was it hard financially? Very.

  6. I'm 20 and pregnant with my first. I don't regret it (yet?). It wasn't planned, but i'm married to the guy I'm pregnant with. It helps to be married. We're expecting it to be more of a burden than a complete financial disaster.

  7. you and your partner? Don't do it unless you are married.

    I was 26

    I did not regret it

    it was 8 billion times harder tha I ever imagined

    We are divorced

    It was planned

    Our elationship changed dramatically

    We went bankrupt.

    I can tell by tour questions that you are not ready.

  8. I is 12

  9. i was 15

    i did regret it at first

    yes it was as hard as i thought it would be

    me and the father is still together, married with 4 kids total

    h**l no it was not planned, it was both of our first time having s*x

    relationship got stronger

    it was not hard financially cause we had help from both of our parents, some people dont have help so we were blessed.  

  10. I was 28 when I had my first and 36 when I  had my fourth.

    I have no regrets.

    It was all consuming to be a first time mom- much more so than I had any idea of.

    No, their dad and I divorced when the youngest was 2.

    Yes, we planned the first 3.

    Our relationship changed in a good way at first and slowly became stressed and fractured with the last 2.

    It was okay financially because we planned ahead.  

  11. My mother and father were 37 years old when they had their first child (and that's me).  I have three younger sisters.  I'm the only brother / son in the family.

  12. How old were you when you had your first baby?

    I'll be 24 when the baby arrives.

    Did you regret it?

    Nope. I wanted this my entire life and it took me longer to be ready for this type of commitment than I had wanted.. I was hoping more along the lines of 21-23.

    Was it as harda s you thought it would be?

    The actual part to conceive? Yes! I am in a different position than most people so the actual conceiving part was ridiculously hard for me. I know for sure that I will never do it again. I want to adopt. I always have but where I want to adopt they want both parties to be 30 years old.

    Are you still with the father?

    Nope. I only had known the person for a little while, I had asked them to be a depositer. We both agreed and signed parental rights waviers so he cannot see the child nor can I go after child support. He only deposited because he knew he would be helping a couple with something they wanted and he said he has not done anything with his life to be proud of. I'm very thankful for his deposit.

    Was it planned?

    Yes! We used ovulation kits on me every day until my body was ready. They worked out great because I was pregnant after the very first test.'

    Did your relationship change?

    Sadly yes. After all that work my partner has now considered wanting to be single for the next 7 months. She had said to me that she may get back with me after this is done but then she had taken that statement back right away. "I shouldn't put your hopes up" was the last thing I can remember. This was something so unexpected I went into a depression afterwards.

    Was it hard financially?

    Yes. We had saved for this progress for a very long time. I could never just afford this without the years spent saving. I'm sure when the child is born I am also going to have some difficulties but I am willing to work so that my child can have a good life.

    I love my decision. I hope my child is healthy and beautiful!

    I wish I could be wiht my partner .. but at the same time I hope I can get over her faster so that my heart doesn't break anymore. I'm not afraid to be a single mother.. I think sometimes I have doubts but that is just because I haven't been single in 8.5 years... I will be ok!

  13. How old were you when you had your first baby? 28

    Did you regret it? No

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be? Yes

    Are you still with the father? Yes

    Was it planned? Yes

    Did your relationship change? Yes, how could it not?

    Was it hard financially? Yes.  We used to make a combined $70,000 a year.  Now I am a stay at home mom and times are tougher.  I'm kicking myself for not buying a house when we could really afford it.

  14. i would like to see other people's response to this

    my daughter is due on my 18th birthday

    it wasn't planned (i was on birth control and we always used condoms)

    i'm scared but really excited!

    when i told the father he was too! he's now my fiance and i love him more than anything i've seen a whole different side of him and think he'll be a great father

    his parents will help a lot financially til we're out of college

    but i'm scared about the money part of it  

  15. 21


    It was hectic.  I should have read books to prepare me.

    NO, he is a jerk.


    Not really, it might have made it a little better.

    Not really.

    My son is 6 and I couldn't imagine life without him.  He is the best!

  16. I may not be much help because I haven't had a baby yet.  I have been married for a year and I know that my husband and I are waiting for at least one more year.  Once you have a baby your life will never be the same.  I think about this all the time like a few nights ago my husband and I went running at 10:00pm.  If we had a baby we wouldn't have been able to go.  Or sleeping in.  I love to sleep in and baby's don't sleep in.  I am only 23 years old so I think age also plays a factor.  I would just say wait until you're for sure to put the baby ahead of everything else! :)

  17. I was a month away from turning 30.

    No I definitely don't regret it.

    Yes, it's very hard but soooo worth it.

    Yes, I am married.

    Yes, we tried for 2 1/2 years to get pregnant.

    Yes, our relationship did change.  In ways it is much stronger but it also feels like we are a little farther apart sometimes because we have no time to be alone.

    No, babies actually are not that expensive once you have the big stuff.

    I like to add that having a baby when you are ready is the best thing in the world.  From the first moment I laid eyes on him, I couldn't even remember what life was like without him!  My life instantly took on meaning that I never thought possible.

  18. My first was when I was 21.  I'm a man, had a late night stand with a very attractive woman.  We tried and it didn't work out.  I now pay $2k a month in child support which takes away from my 2 planned children. Yes, I regret it every day.

  19. How old were you when you had your first baby? 17

    Did you regret it? No.  I regret who it was with but she has been a blessing in my life beyond what I could have ever imagined (she is now 11 years old).

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be?  No because everyone told me I wouldn't be able to be a good mom and go to college but I did it.  I think when you take one day at time it's a lot easier than looking at the whole picture.  If you think now about how you will handle teenage years, you may never have kids.  I would suggest setting up your life first though.  Since I've been out of college, life has been a cake walk.

    Are you still with the father?  No, the biological father wanted me to get an abortion.  I met a guy when I was 18 and my daughter was 1, we got married, he adopted my oldest and now we have another daughter together.

    Was it planned? Nope, but not all good things are.

    Did your relationship change? No.  we were already done before that,

    he was a class A jerk, it took me 2 years to realize that!

    Was it hard financially?  Yes.  Kids are expensive, get used to that idea and you will be all good.

    Good luck in your decision.  

  20. I was 22

    NO..not one day

    NO... I had my days but the good out weight the bad and i only had 3 hour of labor

    NO....not at this time

    NO ...but she is my blessing

    YES I look at him in a different light every body have different parent ways...

    YES at first baby's use a alot diaper about 8-10 a day and they itself add up but find thing on sale.

  21. I was 30, my husband and I had been married for two years.

    No regrets at all, of course not!

    Yes, it was even harder, but totally awesome.

    Yes, husband and I are still married - just celebrated 19th anniversary.

    I dislike the planned and unplanned designations -- we married, we were open to children, no b/c, it took two years to have the baby!

    Yes, our relationship changed for the BETTER! It was already amazing, but the love just grew stronger and deeper, and our marriage became more special now that we were a family.

    Yes, tough financially because I was the higher income earner and I became a SAHM.

    However, all worth it - we have a wonderful, loving family with a strong, stable, fun marriage.

  22. 19

    No not at all!

    No he was so easy! I got spoiled the first time around!

    YES  Celebrating 4 years married this week!


    Yes but for the better, We got to fall in love with another dimension of each other when we became parents .

    It was tough we were actually 300$ in the whole the day I found out we were pregnant! But we got out of it and learned how to keep up.

    I love my son so much and I love my husband so much for making me a mom!!!

    Good luck to you  

  23. How old were you when you had your first baby? 15

    Did you regret it? i regret how young we were. but now him.

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be? i never knew love until i looked into baby spanes eyes.

    Are you still with the father? yes but i'm 18

    Was it planned? oh no

    Did your relationship change? we were young and we didnt know what to do

    Was it hard financially? yes it was. big time money,but my parents are way supportive.

  24. 18 years old and will still be 18 when its here.


    Harder, and I'm still only 3 months pregnant.

    No. (the hard part)

    Yes it was.

    He freaked out after about 2 months.

    It hasn't been hard financially, and won't be.

  25. I gave birth to my daughter when I was 22. I was only in a relationship with her father for about 5 months when I found out that I was pregnant. We got married when I was about four months pregnant. I was always exhausted and always hungry while I was prego. I gained about 85 pounds, way more than I wanted to!! Labor was definitely harder than I thought. I was induced 9 days after my due date. She finally came out after 36 hours of labor at 1:14 in the morning. The birth didn't go as I had hoped but I was really excited to finally meet my daughter. Financially, we did stuggle for a while but my parents and my sister were always eager to help. We're lucky to have them! Our relationship did change, some for the better and some for the worse. We always mangage to work things out somehow! Our daughter is 3 and a half now and she turned out better than we could ever have imagined!

  26. 1. 19

    2. no

    3. no

    4. yes

    5. kinda sorta

    6. yes, for the better.

    7. not really

    8. Im enjoying being a mother, and a wife

  27. How old were you when you had your first baby? 23

    Did you regret it? no

    Was it as hard as you thought it would be? much harder

    Are you still with the father? yep

    Was it planned? unplanned but desired

    Did your relationship change? for the better

    Was it hard financially? of course

  28. i'm sorry but one question per customer. and i've never had a child  

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