
How old were you when you had your kids?

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For me, I had my first child at 25 and am not sure when to have another. :) Just wondering to see the different ranges we have here on YA!




  1. I got pregnant when I was 20, Im 21 now and my baby boy is due in 3 1/2 weeks!!!! I want to wait about 1 1/2-2  yrs before we try for another baby.

  2. i was 27, and just 30 (couldnt even have a drink!!!)

  3. i was 23 when i had my son who's 3 now i want one more but not til a year and half so they are at least 4 years apart, plus i have custody of my 3 yr old nephew and his 1 yr old sister so yeah i need a break, i think a 3-4 yr gap in between is good its that big of a diffrence so they can grow up close

  4. 19 with my first and im 21 now and 31 weeks pregnant with baby #2.

  5. i was 19 with my daughter and i am now almost 21 and i'm ttc our second.

  6. 23, 26 29... Every three years...and I didn't plan it, but it worked out.

    Best Wishes To You

  7. I got pregnant when I was 17, had my son when I was he's 10 months old and I'm 19!  I hope to have my next when I'm 21

  8. I'm 29 and just had my first.

  9. 2 years apart is good, but I wouldn't go farther than that.

    I had mine at 23 and 25 and I would say it is just enough time to give them both a friend and to also let them grow seperately as individuals. At different stages they have both  been like an only child because of the different interests for each age group, and other times they have been great buddies sharing a world together through learning life together. Also, it is easier to explain to a two year old that they have a new siblking than to a four year old and up. The older they are the harder they take it and the more jealous they get. Good Luck with that....

  10. It's when it feels right for you! :] I think 25 is a great age to settle down and start your family. By this time, the awkward and rather complicated teenage years are done and dusted and you have had time to live for 'you'.

    I was pregnant at 20 and had my daughter aged 21. I'm currently pregnant again and awaiting my second little girl who will be due when I am 24! Depending on how things settle down in my household and shifts at work, I should expect to have my third by the time I'm 30. Hubby and I want a break to enjoy each other and our two first!

  11. i was 18. i just turned 19 this friday on the fourth of july...

  12. 26 with my first and 30 with my second.

  13. 1st at 19 second at 21 and my 3rd at 23 all boys im 24 now so hopefully im not pregnant agian lmao

  14. I had my first at age 18, I had my 2nd & 3rd (twins) at age 20, I had my 4th at age 24, and I had my 5th at age 30.  I'm done!

  15. Got pregnant at 19, had my daughter when I was 20.

  16. 29

  17. I was 27.  I want another one before I am 30.

  18. I was 20, 24, and 28.

  19. 30, 32 & 34

  20. 18 for first one, 26 for second, and 27 for third (2 and 3 are only 14 and a half months apart... number 3 was surprise baby.)

  21. 24 and again this year at 26.

  22. 29 and 30. at least 5 yrs later than I wanted but ... oh well!


  23. I had my daughter when I was 26 and not planning on having anymore.

  24. 1st at 17

    2nd at 21

    3rd at 24

  25. i was 22 & he was 25 when we had our first child and we're TTC right now because we want to be "younger" parents

    i'm almost 23 and if we get pregnant soon then our children will be about a year apart...

    some parents choose to wait until their first child is potty trained until having another and others, like me, we want children practically one after the other to get it over with (not in a bad way) but just to enjoy them around the same time

    congratulations and best of luck TTC!!!!

  26. I was 20 with my first and will be 24 when i have my second.  I did want a smaller age gap but circumstances meant that i couldnt really.  Now i think that this is a good age gap because i had all of my sons younger years just the two of us and the new baby will be born after he starts school so he/she will get the full attention that their brother had.  Oh yeah and i initially wanted to be 27 before i started having children but nature had other plans and now im really glad i had my son at the age i did.

  27. umm well i am still waiting on my first little one seeing that im 13... haha. But my Sister is 19 and is moving out next week with her feoncea,  and when they move in, they have to wait for my sister to have her period and they want to get pregnent! And my sister's sister-in-law was 13, but it was accidental, and her first time, you should have your second child at maybe 28. My mom was 19 when she had my sister and she was 27 when she had me and then she was done

  28. I was 22, I am now 25. I am praying for my second soon, especially before my daughter turns 5.

  29. 25 and 28

  30. I was 21, 29, and 36 (currently 36 and due any day now). My husband and I enjoy having our kids spaced very far apart. It gave us time to enjoy each one of them a bit more individually. I wouldn't change a thing.

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