
How old were you when you learned to do your own laundry?

by Guest66649  |  earlier

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How old were you when you learned to do your own laundry?




  1. 9

  2. hmmm, about 16

  3. 7

  4. 14, when I HAD to learn, because my mom was no longer able to do it.

  5. 16

  6. 15 i was lazy  

  7. 7,8, or 9.

    i learned and was taught to do things for my self at an early age.

  8.       Between 6--8 Years old ..

                              WM ..

  9. 10 or 11

  10. 12-13

  11. 11 or 12. if I remember correctly. We did our own sheets and clothing and had to change our beds and clean our rooms.  

  12. 18

  13. 12

  14. 10

  15. 13

  16. 7th or 8th grade...

  17. I was around 7-8

  18. I was in 3rd grade and had to do laundry for myself & my mother (she was a working mother and my father died so things just worked out this way... amazing how much kids can do when they are given the opportunity)

  19. About 10

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