
How old were you when you moved out from your parents house???

by  |  earlier

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did you ever move back afterwords.




  1. 18, and no.

  2. 20 years old and never went back. had a wonderful home there though, just never needed to go back.

  3. 21 and no...never going back!!! i will make sure of it.

  4. I finished college and I had a good job which could pay my rent.

    Its not about age but about ability and finances.

    Make sure you have a good trade or education and can support yourself.

    If you pay $800.00 a month for rent ,that's $200.00 a week. How much money do you bring home every week ?

    Move out when you can afford it.

  5. I was 18 yrs old...It was on my graduation night...I was asked to leave and I never returned to live or even spend a night there again....

  6. 16

  7. I was 17 when I left for college...haven't been back since. I think that once people are adults and done with high school, it's time to quit free loading.

  8. 16. I am now 43 and have never moved back.

  9. 17... no I didnt

  10. 16. i moved back briefly for a month when i was 29. now my mom lives with me and i hate it. distance yourself dude while your still young and free!!

  11. I was 16 and living on the streets because my dad was nowhere to be found and my mom moved out and decided to move in with her b/f 6 hrs away. Now...I'm happy and smiling. I've got a good home, a good husband and a wonderful child

  12. I moved out less than a week after I turned 18. I did not move back in and I never plan to.

  13. 20. Not yet.

  14. I was 18 when I first moved out.  I finished my last high school final in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  I jumped in my car, which was already loaded with my clothes, records and guitar, and drove 5 hours to Houston. I didn't even attend my high school graduation. I wouldn't have moved home again, but I had to go to college for a semester in order to avoid repaying a summer's worth of Social Security checks with money I didn't have.  The only way I could afford to go to college was to move home, so I did. I drove to Houston to see my friends almost every weekend.  I moved to Houston permanently after I flunked out of college that same semester.

  15. 17......but thats because i had a baby @ 16 and moved with my now husband..... I guess tht isnt the norm... but no I never went back.....ever!!!

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