
How old were you when you.......?

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This question is mostly for girls...

How old were you girls when you lost you virginity...and do you regret who you lost it to?




  1. I was 14, No I'm glad I lost it to him.  

  2. I was 18 and i don't regret it a single bit. I was ready and I really did love him (not puppy 'i love you, i love you too' love, real love)

  3. i was 25 & YES i regret it  

  4. I was 15 and he was 16.

    I don't regret who I lost it to. I loved him and he loved me, we just aren't meant to be. I still talk to him and stuff and I'm more comfortable with him than anyone else. He feels the same. He said I'm the only one he's comfortable having s*x with. It gives us that weird non-romantic bond. We were each other's firsts.

    I'm 16 now.

  5. I was 16 years old, and no, I do not regret who I lost it to (my now husband) but I do regret not waiting will I was older to have s*x.  I had a child when I was 18 and if I had not started having s*x, that would not have happened and my husband and I would have had more time for us. by the way, I am now 25.

  6. I'm 14 and waiting till I get married and that's all.

  7. i'm thirteen, i've had s*x 8 times.

    I'M KIDDING! i'm 13, but i'm not having s*x till after i get married, and i mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I'm 16 (17 in 2 weeks), I'll be a virgin until my wedding night. And no, I wont regret saving something so special for a special guy and time.

    And I wont be using birth control, either.  I believe that s*x is all about fully giving yourself to your partner, and I don't think you should have to "protect" yourself from someone in an act about giving yourself to them.

  9. Ok I'm sorry but the answers you got were disgusting, 15? 16? I cant believe it! I'm 17 and I'm waiting till marriage, not only is that the moral law but its healthy as well. I congratulate those who did it only on their wedding night, and those who did it while in school, I feel sorry for you.

  10. I just lost it a few weeks ago. About two weeks after my 15th birthday. I do not regret who i lost it to because he's my boyfriend of several months and i love him.

  11. i am 13 and i'm proud to say i am still a virgin. I know that i won't regret losting cuz' i'm staying a virgin til' marriage that seems better than getting prego when your 16 or so.

  12. I can answer right?:)

    I'm 17 and I am not ashamed to say I'm a virgin.  

  13. I'm 14 and waiting till I'm married.

  14. 15.  Yes, there is some regret.  not so much about who but that I really was too young.  I don't think I really wanted to do it but I felt pressured.

  15. I was 17, he is my one and only and were still together.

  16. These questions always scare me, when the ages of these people get so young. I just have to say to everyone who answered this question with one of the younger ages... Why? What was so attractive of s*x that you had to do it? Now, having read some of these answers, I'm very disappointed. I think most people should wait until they are married regardless of if they will marry that person or not, and i think that 21 is a good age, or even later, for this event to take place. Special congratulations to 27WeeksToGo for their outstanding commitment to waiting. I'm even more concerned as to why this question was placed in the Adolescent section of Answers. It's as if to say that this is acceptable, when it most certainly is not. Although I am slightly more pleased to see that a lot of people waited until they were slightly older, and that most people regret it and would not recommend it to anyone else so early. But still, nobody seems to learn from all they've heard and these problems still keep happening.

  17. I was 14 and no i don't regret who i lost it to...he was and is my first love...i'm glad he was my first.

  18. i was 15.

    and i don't regret it.

    i'm Glad that i at least didn't do it when i was TEN like these other kids!


  19. I was 16 and i regret it. The person I lost my virginity to was a great person. I was just way to young. If I could go back I wouldn't have done it. I kinda felt like everyone was doing it but then after I did I realized that everyone wasn't doing it. I felt really stupid for doing it. If you haven't lost your virginity I would consider waiting.

  20. I was 19. My boyfriend and I dated for a year and two months before we did anything beyond kissing because I wasn't ready. We are still together. I do not regret it, because I was ready and knew the consequences.

  21. 13 and haven't lost it!!! :)

  22. I was 19 but I don't regret who I lost it to. We're expecting our 2nd child in November.

  23. i am a virgin, but i am going to wait til i'm married. no doubt about it =]

  24. i was 22 almost 23 and i do not regret it at all because it was my husband on my wedding night  

  25. 13. no actually i dont. he was my best friend.

  26. 15, nope i love him, he's one of my best friends (not my boyfriend)

  27. i was a little past 15, i do not regret it at all, im still with my boyfriend!!!

  28. I was 15, and it was with my boyfriend. I don't regret it per se, but I wish I waited. I look at it more like a learning experience.

  29. I'm fourteen and almost lost it a few weeks ago.

    and it would have been the biggest regret of my life.  

  30. I'm 16 and no, I do not regret losing it to my boyfriend. We had s*x once. I was on the pill and he used a condom so we thought we were safe.

    In 3 months I will give birth to twins.

  31. i had just turned 15 and i do regret it. the guy was 18, i had only known him for a week or so, i had been drinking and smoking that night, and he pressured me in to it.  

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