
How old were you when you...?

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first had a pet




  1. Umm, I was either 6 or 7

  2. My parents had a cat and a dog when I was born.

    The first pet that was actually mine was a dog I got when I was 10

  3. When I was about 4 Yrs old..I think I just got 2 points :)  

  4. my parents had a dog i was born, and i've had TONS of animals since then :P i think i may have an obsession

  5. 0. My dogs.

  6. im 13. never had a pet ):

    my family would be too lazy to take care of one.

    and the only thing i would be able to care for is a fish.

  7. when i was first born my parents had a dog names pugsley but they had to give him to a friend when they moved.

    after then i got 2 cats when i was about 4 or 5.. fluffy and braveheart lol

    then we gave them to my aunt cause they were awful lol

    and then i had a dog named saphire, but when my parents divorced they gave her away too.

    and then i had a guinipig named clover and 3 fish at my dads house. smokey, goldie, and rook. they all died..

    now i have a cat named sydney that lives at my moms. shes old and fat lol  

  8. Since I was born. I had a big shaggy dog named Smoky!

  9. I was 8...I had 5 fish. They all died within a week or two of getting them. But what could you except? They were 5 for a buck.

  10. The day i was born!

    I called him mini-me


  11. 8 years old

  12. 8

  13. When I was born... I had a cat named Sissy. Then there was Kasey. Then here is Rascal and dolly.

  14. ive had pets since i was a baby

  15. My brother got a cat when my dad felt he was responsible enough for one, and i was about 3, and we had another family cat that died when i was about 7, and my dad didn't like the one cat not have a playmate so my dad bought me a cat for easter when i was about 8. And ive always wanted a dog, and my mom fell in love with a puppy when i was about 8 and she felt that i could take care of her, so we brought her home, we still have all three pets, and I'm 15 now. I think pets are great to start having at a younger age so you can grow up and bond with them and learn responsibility early.  

  16. 12

  17. 1

  18. When my parents felt like I was resposible to take care of one. Having a pet is no easy task, but it is something to give compainionship to a small boy.

  19. i had a dog whe i was a baby a puppy named luke

  20. My family has always had pets.  One animal didn't belong to a specific person.

  21. i don't know, but i had a bunny before i was born, i'm 15 now

  22. Ive always had animals around..even when i came home from the hospital i had like 4-6 animals at home...

    But when i got MY first pet..As in MY OWN animal

    I was 5 I named her tigger..

    She died when i was 11..

    I still miss her..

    Seriously ther is no ONE day that i dont think of her...

  23. When I was born. My cat Puffy ^.^

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