
How old were you when you realised that the Tooth Fairy didn't actually exist?

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or had you always known and happy to keep getting the money.

My 9 year old confronted me the other day when she lost her tooth. She had suspicions for a few years but this time I couldn't brush of her questions and had to fess up.

Should I mention Santa?




  1. My parents  took away my fantasies of Santa and the tooth fairy being real before I reached second grade. They told me it was fake, so I never grew up thinking they were But I don't really think there is a particular age when a child should be told that they don't exist. When they start to doubt them and ask you if they're real or not, tell them the truth. However, if they continue to believe until after 10 years old you should probably tell them. :)

  2. i never thought the tooth fairy existed

  3. 6, before my mom told me the truth, I had asked, i remember telling her not to lie. By then I was pretty much believed there was no tooth fairy(kids talk!) I was never really taught to believe in those types of things anyway. After that I still got money under my pillow, so I was happy. Same for santa, I stopped beleiving in that when I was 4. (long story)Kids are smart you can't fool them for long

  4. i realised when i had to pay for my dentures. Where is the fairy when you need one. Oh no not santa ! Do you want the child to have no fantasies what so ever and turn to pop stars and actors that are well on the booze and drugs.Fantasy is a better reality, Let her learn when she wants to, no matter how long it is.

  5. I never thought that the tooth fairy was real... My mom never really told me that Santa or anything like that was real, when I asked her why, she told me she didn't want me to be disappointed or something like that... [I'm 15 now]

  6. the same year I stopped believing in Santa

  7. i was 12

  8. I realized after my first teeth (I lost 4 in one day--three natural, one from getting hit in the face with a metal swing :D) because I woke up to see my mom. I got $5 out of it, though, so I was happy. I was only 5.

  9. nope not santa. i was like, 3/4 grade. i had my suspicions, but that was when i said.

  10. i was 9 yrs old but don't mention santa yet you'll just ruin her christmas, she's to young

  11. I think I was six. I figured it out when I found my baby tooth in a little bag under my mom's bad the day after I lost my tooth. Santa I figured out when I was 10. I went over to my cousin's house on Christmas Eve and found presents from "Santa" under the tree. I finally caught my parents putting presents under my tree when I was 11. I remember sneaking back into bad so excited I was getting a brand new purple bike!

  12. I WAS 7

  13. 6 and the dentist killed her

  14. I guess I always knew that the tooth fairy was mom or dad, as was the easter bunny, and presents were put under the tree as soon as they were wrapped and stockings were filled as soon as we were in bed. Just tell her that these things are a way to add mystery to holidays and teeth and make them more fun. She is at the age when most kids stop believing in make believe. If you think it's time, read "Yes Virginia, there is a santa claus". Santa adds wonder to Christmas, and although I have never believed in him I am still, at 24, on Google Earth "watching" Santa fly around the world on Christmas Eve. There are things not proven (and not just religious) that I believe in. We must believe in something or we will become cynical and our lives will be dry.

    So tell your daughter the truth. That Santa, the tooth fairy, etc. are not real in that they are physical beings, but they are as real as Narnia and dragons and many other things that make life wonderful.

  15. Actually, I had my suspicions at 7, and found out by pretending to be asleep, so I'd fairly well notice who put another 100 DKK under my pillow (my mum) and I never asked, I bet at some stage she'd figure out that I knew, but it was fun keeping her thinking I still believed in that tooth fairy.

    For see who was closer to the truth then...

  16. I was about 7 yrs. old. I recall hearing my father come in my room and puuting money under my pillow.  so I faked being asleep, but I knew it was him. I rally never believed in the tooth fairy to begin with. When my child asked me( 7 ) I told her I was the tooth fairy and only worked part time at it. She found this amusing and still jokes about me being the tooth fairy. I don't tell kids there is or is no such thing as tooth fairy or santa. If they are asking you, they already know, just ask them what they believe and leave it at that. Kids like to be in on the 'game' they want you to not tell the truth about santa.

  17. when i was born

  18. 7

  19. I was 29 and I still have not got over it

  20. my daughter is the same age i would think that she didnt really think they existed but she still did.... i broke down santa and easter bunny too. maybe ill get more thanx at christmas santa got all the d**n credit anyways!!!

  21. 55 and just found out.

    what should you mention about santa?

  22. about 7. We kept the fantasy going as a sort of family "in" joke.

    She's 9 and hasn't twigged about Santa??? If you don't tell her, some oik at school will. I suspect she's been pretending in case you didn't know about him yourself (aww bless!)

  23. my son is six and he just lost first tooth and he was excited that he lost it and he put under is pillow. he a deeper sleeper when he woke up with the plastic sandwich he put tooth in was a dollar and he was so excited he woke up and look right under the pillow. He believes in tooth fairy and Santa. I don't want to ruin for him since he has a little brother has well.

  24. I knew for awhile but didnt tell my mom because I didnt want her to stop giving me money lol.

    Dont mention santa that will ruin the fun if she figures it out tell her if you dont believe he wont trust me she will start believing again.

  25. 7 years old, my mom said I caught her putting money under my pillow but i don't remember.

  26. I pretty much never believed in the tooth fairy or the easter bunny as i knew they were my parents

    but I was like 6 or 7 for Santa

  27. WHAAAT!!!!,...............  You mean she doesn't come around and collect all those teeth?  Then,.........  where do they all go?

    Are you also saying that Santa is fake?

    Soon you'll be saying there isn't a silicone heaven.  Then where will all the dead calculators go?

    Tee Hee.

  28. i was six but no one told me i kept it to myself for the bucks

    but dnt tell her abt santa

  29. her age, and if shes very emotional towards santa u might want 2 wait another yrs

  30. I never really believed in it. I had different beliefs, but until I was in grade school, I had never heard of the tooth fairy. Just santa, but I found out when I was about 5.

  31. 10 yrs old. Coinciding with with me realising that Santa Claus and 'God' didn't exist.

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