
How old were you when you started being sexually active?

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whats an okay age to start?




  1. every adult person can s*x when they became an adult. but it is good to start s*x after married. because it makes you a complete and responsible person.

  2. I was 21  

  3. After married.

  4. 15 1/2 with my 20 year old boyfriend!  6 years later we are now married with two little girls! :)

  5. Good question - a lot of people don't know or don't want to know this.

    Fact: Children discover their "parts" and can actually begin to stimulate themselves intentionally as early as 2! It's at the same age they develop what's called "Gender Awareness."

    Now if you mean having s*x, today's average per Planned Parenthood is 13-years-old.

    If you want to know what age is PROPER... well if you were my kid I'd say after you're married. But since you're not, I'd say wait until you're at least 17. What if you get pregnant or something? What if you get an STD? 1 in 5 people carry the HPV virus. Just make sure you're protected and have your HPV shot series done.

  6. I was 13. I so wish I had waited longer now. What age would I think would be a good age...what ever is legal in your state....because the guy can get in some serious trouble and you should be more mature any ways.  

  7. 15 years old

  8. I havnt been in a while, but it was 19 for me.

  9. I started at 23.  

    I personally think it's OK at 19 or 20.  Hopefully you have a couple years of college by then and are on your way to adulthood.  

    Younger and you're not responsible enough to handle it if, through some odd occurrence, s*x leads to a pregnancy and real life begins early.  Older and I think you're missing out on taking advantage of when your body is best built for s*x.  Most people look their best in life when they're about that age.  

    Oh, and for all of you that said "when I was married," I'm not giving you a thumbs down for waiting until you were wed -- I'm giving you a thumbs down for not answering the question!  She wanted an age!  Give her the age you got married, then!  I hope you pay attention to your spouses better than you paid attention to the question that was asked.  Jeeze.  

  10. 13 - I didn't even know what I was doing, I wouldn't recommend it and I certainly regret it. Wish I had saved myself for my boyfriend now. I'm 19 now, he's 24.

  11. i was 16 and i feel its when u feel the right time has come is the right time

  12. 16

  13. 11

  14. unfortunately 16 for me. i'm 18 right now

  15. when ever you think you've found the "right" guy. i lost mine last week (i'm 15 :D)

  16. I was 15 yrs old and I've regretted not waiting until I was married ever since.  I wasted one of the most beautiful, precious gifts I could give my husband on some stupid high school fling (and many others, I sadly admit).  Instead of giving my husband all of me...I gave him what was left.  I married at 19, almost 11 yrs ago, and it still haunts me to this day that I didn't wait.

  17. i was 15 and my girl was 17 when we started haveing s*x

  18. After I was married.

  19. 13  But it was effed up and I don't reccomend it.

  20. the summer between middle school and high school (oral counts right) idk bout this stuff  

  21. 8, my cousin was going through puberty and took it out on me. Eh, that doesn't involve my sexual activity, I guess actually 10 years old, he began to show me his Penthouse magazines. There really isn't a set age. Because, my cousin proves, it's all around you and it can teach anybody that can p**s by themselves what s*x is. h**l, ask a priest.

  22. still waiting for the right guy.i dont think ur virginity is just there for ne1 to take

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