
How old were you when you wrote your will?

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No Lime Kitty - You don't inspire everythign I do..... :p




  1. 17, The Marine Corps required it.

  2. I'm 102 and only recently started drafting up my will.  But I'm really confused about whom to leave everything to since my wife, kids and grandkids are all dead.

  3. I was 22 when I wrote my first will.  I recently updated it at 57.

  4. am 16 didnt write it yet.

  5. We wrote our wills around 35

  6. Are you asking this because I said I had that one song request for my funeral in my will? LOL

    It's not an official legal will, its just something I wrote up and gave to my parents and my siblings so they would know what I wanted if there were an accident or something.  I don't have a legal will yet.

  7. 23

  8. In my 40's.

  9. i m 15 now , technically i dont own anything of my "own"

  10. I was 30 and fighting Iraq in the first gulf war.

  11. Actually it was fifty and it terrifies me now thinking about it as if anything had happened to me before then I would have left my family withone big headache as I was divorced.

    I would advise even the young to make a will out. It can be done on a proformo for will's obtained from places like WH Smith's or any good stationers.

    You can get it witnessed and kept at home. Or when your older it is better to lodge your will with a solictor or lawyer for safe keeping. Just let your loved ones know where it is though.

    Good question. Thanks

  12. 28 and I haven't written one yet.

    But then all my assets are P.O.D. to my chosen beneficiaries.

  13. I'm 55 and I haven't started it yet.

    I intend to leave all my debts to the Government.

    The song I want played at my funeral is Deep Purple's "Into the Fire".

  14. I dont know yet

  15. I haven't got a will, (only 17) but I will write one when I have money a home etc. (from 25-30 years)

  16. I was 42.

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