
How old were you when your mom let you wear eyeliner?

by  |  earlier

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  1. 12


  2. i was 12 but only a little and now im 13 and she lets me wear a lot more

  3. Um my moms not actually alive to tell me when but I started wearing it when I was 12.

  4. 7th grade and i had to BEG her to let me wear it lol :-)

  5. i dont wear eyeliner but i want at  the age of 13

  6. I just started around Christmas 2007 (I'm 13 now and was 12 then). I'm going into high school this year, so I think she thought I should get started early so that I would be used to it in time. I definately think that 13 is a good age because of this reason.

  7. well, i got my first eyeliner at 15. And i'm glad i waited because who am i trying to impress at 10 or 11?  

  8. 12 yrs youngin.

  9. 6th grade so 12 yearss

  10. Well... I didnt start wearing makeup till i was 13.. But i think my mom would of let me before that not sure.

  11. 13 i was allowed to

  12. well, i have always been allowed to wear makeup. so i decided i wanted to when i was 12. and i only wear it occasionally, and i don't use a lot. only a lil on my top lids.  

  13. around 12ish.

  14. 11 yrs old

  15. 10 yrs old

  16. i started when i was 11 .but i started with a little black +brown eyeliner.

  17. whenever i wanted to

  18. 12.

  19. the summer whn i am going into 8th grade so about 13

    *SHINE ON*

  20. 13  

  21. my mom never really cared when i put on make up.

    i tried it in 2nd grade.

    and my mom sai it looked nice.

    my moms not that kind of person who cares at what age i start make up.

    ive worn the essentials.

    not alott.

    thats why my mom trusts me,

  22. 13

  23. 12

  24. 11

  25. 12 [almost thirteen]

  26. my mom never really cared, but i started wearing eye liner to school when i was 12or13.

  27. i was 13 when she let me start wearing eyeliner.

  28. 11-12

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