
How old were your children when they got sick for the first time and what did they have?

by Guest59707  |  earlier

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  1. My girls were preemies so they were pretty much born sick :(

    They both had to spend time in the NICU before they came home

  2. I'm not a parent but I had several bouts of bronchitis during my first year of life; I'm in college now and I still get it three or four times a year. I don't know why and it really sucks.

  3. It was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure my daughter was 6 months before she got sick and it was bronchitis.  She did have a touch of jaundice at birth, but not enough to have to put her under the lights, the doctor just said to expose her to indirect sunlight as much as we could until her color faded.

    My son had a more sickly start.  He wasn't breathing at birth (for several minutes) because of mucus in his lungs so he was on drops for 2 weeks to help clear it and we had to keep a close eye on him.  He got thrush at a month old and almost had to have surgery for blocked tear ducts.  We managed to unclog them before that happened though.  

  4. Well my oldest son was born with really bad jaundice requiring a home nurse for 2 weeks and a wallaby blanket for light therapy at home.  After that the first time he got sick was a cold at 2 months old then he got the flu at 5 months old.  My second son developed thrush at 4 weeks old then he got the croup around 8 weeks old and had a hard time getting rid of that.  

  5. i don't have kids yet, but i had chickenpox when i was a baby(i think i was 1 or younger)

  6. My oldest who is 4 now first got the flu when she was 2 months...I had it and unfortunately my poor baby girl got it as well.She also got RotoVirus at 8 months...she couldn't keep anything down or in it took 2 weeks to get over it.Than k goodness she didnt have the advance stages of it.

    My youngest who is now 1 first got sick at 9 months with a cold.Thats about it...she is actually 14 months right now and just now got the chicken pox.

  7. My son was 7 months old and he had a garden variety cold. He got sick again with tonsillitis at 11 months, because of teething (he's an exceptionally bad teether).  

  8. my son was 6 months old and he had bronchitis and a double ear infection so bad his ear drum nearly burst... he was fine that day but that night he woke up screaming and crying so bad we rushed him to the emergency room... it was very scary and then he kept a chronic ear infection till he was about 2 yrs old and it stopped...  

  9. i was 8 yrs old

    brain tumour on brain stem

    almost died

  10. My daughter was 16 months old and she had the flu. She just laid their comatose to the world, she slept for almost 2 days wouldn't eat, or drink. Luckily she never threw up, but she did have a little fever and some diarrhea. I got her some pedia-sure for babys and she did drink a little of it.

               I actually winged her from the pacificer, and bottle since that day. I figured she went 2 days without it she can be without them!! It took about 2 weeks but she got over it. (every time she saw a picture of herself with her pacificer in her mouth she would grab at the pacificer .. it was cute!) I think it helped her to talk earlier without that thing in her mouth!!

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