
How old where you when you first married?

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I feel as though people think I married too young at 21 (my husband is 24) - we've only been married for four months and we're very happy - how old where you when you married? Did it work out? What did you learn from marriage and how did you make sure your relationship was a happy one?




  1. married at 36 and divorced at 40.  I don't think waiting until older is that important, obviously.  Happiness can happen young or old.  And personally, you should care what others think, your an adult and able to live with your decisions, right or wrong.

  2. 26

  3. 25

  4. 22

  5. I was 22 and I am still married to her.

  6. If you and he love each other and are happy, don't worry about what others say.

  7. Hi, Hon!  I married when I was 21 years old.  Hubby was 28.  We've been married now for 12 years.  I've learned in those 12 years that we're not perfect.  We make mistakes, we squabble, and we make up and do it all over again.  We communicate, share, and are each other's best friends, confidants, and soul mates.  I've also learned that it doesn't matter what other people think.  I didn't marry the world, I married him!  The only people that matter in our realtionship is US.  If you let the world in the bedroom with you, you're going to drive a wedge between the two of you that will take an eternity to remove.

    If you want it to work, it will.  If you give each other your all, you will survive the tests of time.  As far as other's opinions of your relationships, nip them in the bud!  Most of it is unsolicited advice anyway!  When they start in on you with their opinion, stop them.  Stand up for yourself and your spouse and say, If I want your opinion, I'll ask for it, and until such time as I do, do me a favor...stop hounding me with your unwanted/unneeded advice and just pray for us!  

    Then turn and walk away, shoulders back, head up, and know that you stood up for something that was worth standing up for!

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!

  8. I was 26 yrs old when I got married.  I am 42 now and still happily married with 3 children.  My husband and I met in 1988 and got married in 1992 and still going strong.  Most of all we love and trust each other.  Communication is the key to any happy relationship, whenever you lose that, you have lost it all.  My husband and I have always promised never to go to bed angry (that was made when we first met and realized that we were going to build a relationship/marriage)  And believe it or not it has worked thus far.

  9. My husband and I were 20 when we got married and have been married for 22 years now.  

  10. 21, and we stayed married for 14 years. We were happy the entire time. We divorced due to issues unrelated to happiness.

  11. High school sweethearts and married younger than you. Its worked for 25ish years now. It takes allot of work and commitment from both. And a little forgiving, understanding, willing to learn and change.

  12. I was 24, he was 26. Still together 11 years later.

  13. I was 19 he was 25. Yes we loved each other and got married with intentions of being married forever. But 11 months later he decided it was time for "space" and found a new girlfriend. And I came back and said, okay you want space, you will be signing divorce papers real soon. Ive been so much happier now, since Im divorced. Him on the other hand, he is miserable. I didnt want to get divorced, but I had no other option. I learned a lot from marriage, most important-choose your battles wisley, some things arent worth fighting over, some are. Listen better and learned when NOT to Good luck to you..

  14. We just got married, I'm 23 and hes 24. Your not too young as long as you knew each other for awhile first. We had know one another for 5 years. Our life so far has not changed, we still laugh and love being together, like always. We make sure our relationship is a happy one by communication, thats the key. Also having respect for personal space and realizing you still have to have outside hobbies and time to be yourself. Best of luck!

  15. i was 22 and ive got a really strong marriage. if you have got a good marriage it doesnt matter what anyone says

  16. 23 and 21 is too young!  It's only been 4 months just wait until a couple of years.  You will wish that you would have waited.

  17. Wow, I can see a lot of young people getting married, that's great! When I was 21-22 all I could think of was my career and I knew for sure marriage was in my thirties. I am now about to marry, I'm 33 and my fiance's 37, we're so happy and positive, we both think we've found true love. I can't obviously tell you I have learned from marriage but I don't believe age is a factor for a good marriage, I believe faith is, and what's in your head and heart, will happen.  (Of course, you must work for it) Good luck.

  18. Love and trust you have for each other is what counts.

    No matter how old you are.

    Share your thoughts , always be open and good communications is all what is needed for good marraige.

    Everyone has ups and downs in life.You talk about it and your parter should be able to get your point..Then it is success.

    Good luck

  19. I was 23 when i got married and was divorced before my 25th birthday. I dont think you can put an age limit on when you are "old enough" to be married. I feel I married too young. But you may of been ready at 21 and live happily ever after. I think mutual respect is important in a relationship. Oh...and not putting your thing in other girls......

  20. 18 the first time and 26 the second time... It didn't work out because I wasn't mature enough to realize I was in an abusive manipulative relationship, and my now ex was not responsible. :) My second marriage is going great!!! We both came from abusive relationships, my husband's ex broke his hand because she was mad and smashed it with something hard!

    I was old enough and mature enough at 18 to be a wife, mother, and housemaker. Not mature enough to choose a likewise companion though! Age doesn't make a difference!

  21. I was 23 when I married; 24 when I had my son.  My husband was 21.  We divorced 5 years later (he was abusive & couldn't keep it in his pants).

    My sister was 18 when she was married; her husband was 19.  They divorced 10 years later (he tried to kill her; albeit she probably deserved it).

    My brother was 22 when he got married; his wife was 21.  They had a baby when she was 25.  They split up (he was s******g around on her) when he was 27...they're back together....for now.

    Not a great track record for young marriages...and that's just in MY family.

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary this December; we didn't get married until WELL into our 30's and we're VERY happy together.

  22. You know, if you two were ready then that's all that matters. Most people are just worried it won't work out because of your age. Don't worry about others opinion.

    Good luck & I hope you both last forever and rub it in everyones face.

  23. I was 21, my husband 26.  Currently, we are 23 and 28.

    You're not too young to marry one another as long as you're mature, responsible, and always put on another and your relationship together first.  There's no reason your marriage can't work out.  Sure, the odds are stacked against you for being so young, but if you're mature and understand the depth of the commitment you made together you'll make it just fine.

    I'll never forget the time I was sitting playing poker and this chick sitting beside me looked at my wedding and engagement ring and said "Wow.. don't you think you're a bit young to be married?  I'M going to wait until I'm 30, because that's more responsible."  I looked right back at her, smiled, and said "Don't you think you're a little to old to be so rudely nosey and butting into other people's business?"  She shut right up!! :)

    Anyway, here are some tips.  

    -Always listen to one another, 100%

    -Always put one another first

    -Your spouse is most important in your life, PERIOD, even after children!

    -Make date nights still, and go out and enjoy one another like you did when you were dating

    -Do not fight, discuss.  Once you start "fighting" and yelling, the conversation is already out of control!

    -Say I love you often, and show your affection. :)

    Good luck!

    ADD ON:  I always just wanted to edit and add a couple more things.  Try not to be friends with people of the opposite s*x unless your spouse is friends with them too, it's trouble, trust me!  

    -Also, don't make any decisions or do anything without your spouse's consent and support.  It will cause a wall to get built up between you and resentment to occur!  Make sure to do everything you can to make your spouse happy without compromising your happiness -- you CAN compromise with each other!

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