
How old will you have to be to work at abercrombie ?

by Guest66906  |  earlier

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How old will you have to be to work at abercrombie ?




  1. 18 ?


  2. 18 years of age without working papers.

    If your are 14 to 18 you can work at a store when school is not in session with work papers and other restrictions.  

    But note that it is the employers decision if they will higher workers under 18.

    You can work in NY State is your are under 18 with working papers under the following conditions:

    If you are 12 or 13

    When your attendance at school is not required, you may

    work on a farm picking berries, fruits or vegetables, or in any farm work on the home farm.

    If you are 14 or 15

    When your attendance at school is not required, you may work in stores, offices, and other places, except in a factory workroom.  You may do delivery or clerical work in an enclosed office of a factory, and in dry

    cleaning stores, shoe repair shops, and similar service stores.

    Work Between:                                          When:

    7 AM and 7 PM                     Day after Labor Day to June 20

    7 AM and 9 PM                            June 21 to Labor Day

    When school is in session you may work a of Maximum 18 hrs/wk:

    Monday-Friday                                     3 hrs/day

    Saturday, Sunday,                                8 hrs/day


    If you are enrolled in an approved work study program, you may work up to 23 hours in any given week.

    When school is not in session, you may work six days a week, up to eight hours in any one day and up to 40 hours in any one week.  (School is not in session if the school is closed for the entire week.)

    If you work at a street trade, you may work between 6 AM and 7 PM four hours a day on any day school is in session and five hours a day on any day school is not in session.

    Hours regulations do not apply to farm work.  You need working papers for any job except the following:  work on the home farm, caddying, baby-sitting, casual employment consisting of household chores and yard work in and about a residence or the premises or a non-profit organization that does not involve the use of power-driven machinery.

            Work Between:        When:

            9 AM and 4 PM       Day after Labor Day to June 20

            7 AM and 7 PM       June 21 to Labor Day

    You must be accompanied by a parent or present written consent of parent to employer.  You need working papers except when employed by your parents on the home farm or at other outdoor work not connected with business.

    If you are 11 to 18 years old, you may work as a newspaper carrier. When school is in session:

            Work Between:                                When:

            5 AM and 7 PM                           Monday-Friday

        (or 30 min. prior to sunset; whichever is later).

        Work Between:                                  When:

            5 AM and 7 PM                         Saturday, Sunday

            (or 30 min. prior to                         and holidays

            sunset; which ever is later)

    Maximum 5 hrs/day

    If You Are 16 or 17

    You may work in a factory as well as other places.

    When school is in session you may work a Maximum 28 hrs/wk:

            Monday-Thursday                       4 hrs/day

            Friday, Saturday,                         8 hrs/day

            Sunday, holidays


    Generally, you may not work between 10 PM and 6 AM.  You must obtain written permission from a parent or guardian and from your school, in order to work between 10 PM and midnight on a day before a school day; and from your

    parent or guardian only to work between 10 PM and midnight on a day before a non-school day.  Students enrolled in an approved Cooperative Education Program may work up to 6 hours on a day preceding a school day when school is in session as long as the hours are in conjunction with the program.

    During vacations (school must be closed for the entire week), you may work six days, 48 hours a week, 8 hours a day between the hours of 6 AM to midnight.

    If you work as a newspaper carrier, you may work four hours on school days and five hours on other days; you may not work between 7 PM or 30 minutes prior to sunset, whichever is later, and 5 AM.

    If you work at a street trade, you may work four hours on any school day and five hours on any non-school day; you may not work between 7 PM and 6 AM.

    You need working papers for any job except the following:  farming, caddying,baby-sitting, casual employment consisting of household chores and yard work in and about a residence or the premises of a non-profit organization

    and, if a college student, working for a non-profit college or university or for a non-profit college or university fraternity, sorority, student association or faculty association.

  3. 16 but they don't pay you well.

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