
How old would/did you let your child have her ears pierced?

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My daughter who is almost 4 years old has been asking me for months to get her ears pierced, i am unsure what to do, i have been honest with her and told her that a lady makes a little hole in each ear and it will hurt for a bit, she seems to understand what will happen and insists she still wants it done, but i am not sure if she is still too young.

What do you think?

Would or have you let your 3 (nearly 4) year old daughter get her ears pieced?




  1. i was 3 months old when my mom got my ears pierced.. and im gratefull for it... your daughter will have them done eventualiy so what is the problem with letting her have it done now??... when she asks for her belly or nose to be pierced then thats when you say no aha


  2. I had mines done when i was 5, and i still have them pierced.

    its up to you as your the parent.

    ignore pople who said its chavvy, as its not. its ok for little girls to have ear pierced.

    she will be happy once its there. or you can wait another year.

    maybe you can tell her she will get it done on her 5th birthday? that way she will look forward to her birthday, and will be excited to having it done

  3. Well, I got my daughter's ears pierced when she was 6 months. My other daughter I got done when she was one and I have another daughter and when she is 6 months she will be getting hers done. So, I guess my answer would be let her get them done. She probably sees you and her friends with them and thinks it is pretty, no harm in that. It's not as if she's asking to get her tongue pierced...go for it.

  4. well I had mine done when I was 12 but my mum had them done when she was three. I think you should have her ears peiced if she wants... I would have my kids done...

  5. Oh my God, are you people serious. You're acting like getting a child's ears pierced is like choosing a religion. "Wait till they get older to make their own decision"??? I mean really, we get little boys circumcised when they are babies we don't wait until they are older so they can choose on their own. My daughter got her ears pierced when she was 2 months old, it's a tradition in our family. If she doesn't want earrings when she gets older, she can take them out and the hole will close on it's own.

    Answering your question, YOUR daughter is 4 years old, if YOU want her to get her ear pierced, that is YOUR decision. She is not too young, you will have to help her keep them clean. Besides, many pediatricians pierce babies ears now-a-days.

  6. i had this problem with my two girls and to solve it i waited until they asked and they did when they were around six so i explained to them what happens they still wanted it done so i let them and they were fine  

  7. whenever the child is aware of the risks and able to make the decision for his/her self

  8. theres nothing as pikey as a kid with pierced ears. cue all the pikeys giving me a thumbs dowm.

  9. Many people peirce their babies ears when they're still babies, like before theyre 1.   I dont think its a problem...  She's not too young and the peircer would tell you if she was

  10. I was 4 when i got my ears pierced and now im 14 and got my nose and belly dne thts not saying ohh she gonna get loads of piercings :p i think u should let them have her done its better to have them young so they heal it for when there older and tht

  11. My mum didn't let me get my ears pierced until I was 12 even though I nagged her for years. I was allowed to get it done a treat for starting high school.

    I wouldn't let a four year old get them done, obviously I don't know you daugther but my five year old niece has a fade for a few months and then forgets it completely.

    I think when they are four it's a little to young for the responsibitly of cleaning the piecering properly and stuff. And they do really hurt for some weeks, it'll be tough when she is playing because if she just catches them it will cause real problems.

    I would hold off for a bit and don't mention it and if she brings it up in a year or so (even then still a bit young) then you will know she definatly wants them doing.

    Good look.

  12. I got mine done for my 13th birthday.  I don't think you should let your daughter get them pierced at 4 - this is too young.  Wait until she is old enough to take responsibility for cleaning them etc.  Also, I don't think it looks nice when little girls have pierced ears.  It looks too grown up for a child.  

  13. I wouldn't.  My daughter was about eleven when I asked her if she'd like to get her ears done.  She didn't want them done and said she didn't like them.  (At thirteen, she changed her mind.)

    I think three years old is way too young for a child to really know what she wants to do.  (Some three-year-old girls think they'll be marrying their fathers when they grow up! )

    Besides, even though it's remote, there's always the chance of infection; and infection always poses the risk of turning really, really, ugly.  I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for my own child's medical problems because I let her get her ears pierced at three.

  14. 4 seems a lil young...

    Maybe 6 or 7?

    Please answer my quesiton! Its a big parenting topic right now!;...

  15. Your her mother you know whats best for her and you. I had my daughters ears pierced a few days ago when she was 5. But i regret it now as i should of done it at the beginning of the summer holidays now she cant do p.e for 5 weeks until they can come out. Its a policy at her school which i didnt know anything about  

  16. Personally I wouldn't. I don't have my own ears pierced, I think it's completely unnecessary, and that it sends a very bad message to little girls about their bodies. My child does not need surgical modification to be beautiful - she's gorgeous just the way she is. If she wants to wear earrings she can wear clipons or magnetic earrings, which have zero risk of infection or of damage through tearing if they get caught on something. My daughter can go get her ears pierced at the point that it's her decision. I believe that's 16.

  17. No I wouldn't.

    I think that kids shouldn't get piercings until they're old enough to look after them (cleaning them etc).

    I was allowed mine done when I was 10 and I think that that is an appropriate age.

    Before that seems too young, especially at 3 or 4.

  18. I Wouldn't until she is at least 10, I know that seems extreme. But a 4 Year young could get them caught will

    put no end of sticky and grubby little fingers on them so more likely get infection. At 8-10 she will be old enough to understand the ins and outs of looking after her own piercings.

    Just my opinion.

    "Reputable" piercers, Would not do this at a young age!

  19. 16

  20. i had my little girls ears pierced when she was 5 months everyone disagreed with me but the way i looked at it is if she does not want them in when she was old enough to decied then its up to her to let the holes close.. let her have her ears pierced..

  21. Personally i am going to wait until my daughter receives her first communion (around age 7).

    That is when i got mine done and it is a great memory of my mom taking me.  

  22. If she understands then why not! i'm thinking of getting my daughters done and she is only 19 months i don't think it looks chavy at all i think they look really lovely with a nice little pair of studs! just do what you feel is best.

  23. My daughter was 8 when she asked so i thought then she was old enough to decide and she was able to take care of them herself  

  24. I don't have any kids yet but my niece's ears were pierced when she was just over a year old. Most girls in my country have their ears pierced when they're babies.. I plan on letting my girl kids (in the future ; I hope to be blessed with a couple girls and boys :), get their ears pierced when they are about 10 or so (or even younger, if they may want it).. I think you should allow your daughter to get hers done, but ofcourse, ultimately, it's entirely up to you.

  25. I think this is too young an age to be able to comprehend what is really going to happen to her and the pain involved even if only for a minute. I would say revise the question at around 10/12 yrs of age. Get her some pretend sticky earings or clip ons from places like Things or Red Dot in the childrens dress up section.  

  26. Most people I know feels that I should have pierced my daughter's ears after she was a month old. I don't feel the need to poke her ears since she is too young to understand or know what is going on. I've told myself to wait until she is old enough to understand and comes and ask me to get it done. I hope she ask me after her 5th birthday because anything before that I would consider to young. If she does come before she turns 5, I'll tell her to wait it out. It's a big responsibility, not just some fad that she wants to be a part of.  

  27. If she ask, why not?

    You said she seems to understand what will happen.

    I don't see ear piercings as something that is as big a deal as others make it. Its not something just for older people. Its something little girls and p*****n girls love to have done.

    Its a girly thing along with playing dress up and playing with mommies make-up and stuff like that.  

  28. When she starts middle school. She is at an age where little boys could be playing around her or she could be playing and it could get caught or torn. She's too young to be responsible enough. Why not buy her a few sets of clip on earings? Eventually she will forget she ever asked for ear piercings when she has clip ons.

  29. My daughters were 6 and 8.  My only criteria for them getting their ears pierced is that would have to take care of them on their own.... twisting them everyday and putting the cleaning solution on them.  I showed them how and reminded them to do it, but they did it on their own.

  30. There are people out there who get their INFANTS ears pierced.

    4 and wanting them is defiantly not too young at all.

    I think 2 months is TOO YOUNG!

    I'm going to let my daughter decide on her own when she's able to.

  31. No i would not let them have thier ears peirced that young. Its disgusting.

    they look like mini chavs etc, they have to take them out for school anyhow. Why not wait until they are at least 10.

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