
How old would you think i am?

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How old would you think i am?

& picture comments would be good,

whether they are good or bad.

thanks :) x




  1. about 17

  2. To much makeup girlfriend

  3. you look maybe 15 and either a sophmore or a freshman

  4. Probably 14 or 15.  You are yet another white girl that wants to be a panda or a raccoon.  Your eye makeup looks hideous, and it looks like you're going to get a nasty infection with all that caked on makeup on your eyes.  I'm serious, I don't try to say these things to be mean.  That S**t looks disgusting though.  I can understand dark, black eyeliner looking cool but not on the bottom of your eyes like a panda like that.  As I've said a miiiillliiioooonn times by now, eyeliner is meant to be drawn all on the top lid and the outer corners of the eyes but NOT on the inner corners like that.  You look like one of those dogs with the big black spot on his eye.  Or a raccoon or a panda.  You look like a joke with all that cakeup on.  Other than that you seem like a normal, healthy girl.  I know you wont take my advice because it sounded so harsh, but it's the truth and someone needed to tell you.  If I was your mother, I'd smack that makeup off your face.

    EDIT****************** You can cry about it all you want, honey, you still look foolish with all that cakeup on.  It's hilarious that your second picture is supposed to be less makeup and you still have panda/raccoon eyes.  You still drew it into the inner corners of your lower lid and that looks ridiculous, plus the falsies aren't glued on that well.  I was honestly trying to help you and you're basically telling us  you like looking like c**p so do you, girl, but don't be mad when people tell you you look retarded.  PS - What is tbh?  We're not all 15 years old here.

  5. Like 15 or 14..Im never good with the age tho. at least you can ppl on here cant..

  6. Hii.

    Uhmm. I would say somewhere around 14-17..

    But I definetlyy suggest you wear less make up hun..

    I mean I'm sure your muchhh more prettyy with less on,

    and you'll look more real ya know?

    So cut down on the eyeliner for sure, and the blush, and a little less face makeup would be good to.

    Be happy with your own self!

    I'm sure people will like you even more than way, and guys really do like girls that look more natural.

    You can stop wearing so much little by little, so that its not suchh a drastic change all at stop with the liner (or just put a little, to accentuate your eyes, then you can decrease the blush, and face makeup little by little.)

    Go ahead and wear makeup, but makesure people can see the real you!


  7. 16-18

    * you have on WAY too much make up. tone it down a tad.

  8. you look bout 15

    you are pretty

    but try not to use as much blusher

  9. You look between 16 or 18. But your wearing a little too much makeup it make your eyes look really dark. Which also makes you look older.

  10. 16/17.

  11. your pretty 15

  12. 16

    btw - you look gorgeous!

  13. ummmm LOOKING 4 attention lol

    i think 17/18

  14. 16

  15. 17

  16. about 16.

    omg youre very pretty your hair is beutifull your skin is flawless..........your juss


  17. yeah eyeliner blusher and all that c**p is too much

    look about 30 with that makeup

  18. 13 or 14

  19. dont worry about these ppl saying other **** about you you look about 16 and yo make up describes your personiality its cute

  20. 14-16 :)

  21. idk.... 13-16. Btw, a little too much eyeliner in my opinion. but yeah, 13-16.

  22. nice if you're going to hang out,not for school.

    i think you're 12.

  23. this isnt that attractive. lay off all the makeup. if u want a bf at anytime in ur life u are nottttttttt gunna find one with all that caped on makeup. go wipe ur face off. this is repulsive. u look like a braty 13 year old trying to look 17.

  24. your pretty i like your makeup and hair .. i would say 15-16 perhaps??

  25. id say 16 or 17

    you just wear a lot of dramtic eye makeup

    idk how old you would look without all the dra mah tastic eye makeup

  26. 16-18

    edit [for you]-

    "how old do i look to you?"

  27. um like 14-15 but seriously your ee make-up isnt bad i acctually like it like that. u look pretty to me.

  28. No older than 14.

    I'm sorry, but your eye make-up is terrible.

    Make-up's accentuates your features - not turn you into a raccoon.

    EDIT: you look 16-17 now&much better. =D

    Your eyes look really pretty. The raccoon look detracts from that.

  29. 14 -16 would be my guess. Why you feel you need so much makeup ?

  30. Your really pretty, I love the hair! You look maybe anywhere from 14-17

    Lexi <3333

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