
How old would you want your babysitter to be 2 babysit ur kids?

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How old would you want your babysitter to be 2 babysit ur kids?




  1. Well I'm not a mom but I'm 21 and I started babysitting at 11. I think though, when I have kids I would want them to be at least 16.

  2. depends how old the kids are.

    the younger the kids, the older the babysitter.

  3. as a babysitter myself i think it depends on your kids ages

    Here is a list of good ages:

    0-1yrs old = 15and up

    2-4 = 13and up

    4-7 13 and up

    7-9 13and up

    10-12 = 16 and up

    I think it also depends on how mature your babysitter is ... say you have a lazy ,constantly txting, 14 yr oldbabysitting an energetic, playful 6 yr old? It wouldnt work

  4. Older than the kids themselves, ideally. The sitter should also either live within walking distance or be able to drive. 16 or 17 and up is probably good.

  5. I would say 16. Becouse, you never know when an emergency might come up. The baby sitter might need to take the child somewhere, or meet me with my kid. I would also say, no matter how old they need a certain degree of maturity .

  6. I would want my babysitter to be 15/16, but I'm only 17 myself, with no kids....

    I started babysitting when I was 14 1/2. I babysat a 4 year old. Now, I'm still babysitting the same kid (who is now 7) and his 8 month old baby brother. I didn't know the mom when I started, and if I were her, I wouldn't have hired me... but I earned her complete trust

  7. At least 15 or 16, unless a younger child had taken a babysitter's course.  (The Red Cross offers one, then I would be more comfortable.)

  8. Oh dear! That is always just trusting God isn't it! Letting people wath your kids. I'd say 18 at least. Then if there are any legal issues.. they are an adult. And hopefully they will have enough scene to keep a real eye on your kids

  9. Depends on how old the kids are. If it's a baby, for me the person would have to be adult. If the kid is maybe 4 or 5, then I would think the babysitter should be atleast 15 or 16. Depends on the maturity level of the babysitter too.

  10. 16 or higher. i mean, as old enough as they need to be to examine situations corrrectly

  11. depends on the age of your kids. 18+ is ok for todllers and older, but for babies, its a different story, in my opinion

  12. i wouldnt mind age, as long as its not ridiculously young,

    ill care more for their personality and who they really are,

    being responsible and knowing the job well,

    just because they are older don't make them better at it.

    have a nice day :)

  13. i would want her to be a geek so there would be no smoking no boyfriends over no partys well lets not say a geek maybe a goodie goodie to shoesyeah that will work

  14. Personally, 18 or older, only because both my kids are under 15 months old and that is a lot for a younger teen. If my kids were older and could entertain themselves more and not need their diapers changed, bottles fed, etc. then I think 15 or 16 would be a good age. So my answer is it depends on the age of the child and how many you have.

  15. depends on what age the kids are

    and it tends to depend on the person

    If I knew a 15yr old who was dependable They'd be fine

    but most people tend to prefer 18+ (possiblily because they can go to prison if anything go's wrong-Kidding!)

  16. i personally wouldnt go any younger than about 16, hopefully older.. maybe closer to 20 just because they have a little bit more common sense.

  17. well it depends on how u feel...

    i had a babysitter bout 14 1/2 nd i have

    known her since SHE was in diapers. she is

    great with my kids nd my kids love her.

    but if i hadn't known her and i needed one i wuld

    say bout 15 or 16 when they know the responsibilities.

    i wuld also interview them.

    ask them sum questions nd call them back when u decide.

    also depending on ur kid's age...the younger the older the babysitter.

  18. depends on the age of your kids.  if your kids are 1-4 or 8-12 (boys mainly) i like the baby sitter to be older (18+), but if your kids are 4-8 i would say you could have a 14-18 year old watch these kids.

  19. 18 or older,because after hitting that adult age people seem to know a lot more about responsibility.

  20. I would say the youngest to be 12-13 because they need to know how to handle children self controlling, respectfully, and nicely. But a 15 or 16 year old would work a bit better because they can drive. For example, If you're schedule was in a tight spot, then, the baby sitter can drive in to get the kids from you or give the kids to you. Hope this helps!!

  21. 161/2, 17 years old displaying a high level of maturity for her age, smoke and drug free, and no anger issues to take out on my baby when I ain't in the home.  I would install a home camera, where she can't see it, so I can check to see if she is secretly abusing my child.

  22. depends on the age of the kids, but I've been babysitting since I was 11.  I started in the parents home while they parents were there also...mainly b/c I'd go w/ my dad when he did in home counseling with couples that had kids.  I would keep an eye on them and keep them from disrupting the counseling.  I started when I was 13 or 14 to watch 3 kids alone during the day over summer break.  the youngest then was I guess it just depends on your kids needs and the maturity of the babysitter :)

  23. it all depends on the maturity level of the babysitter

  24. Depends on how old the kids are, my kids are 1 1/2, 3, 5, and 8, so I normaly ask my 17-year-old neighbor and her little sister whose 14 to come and watch them. My sister has an 11 year old, and she stays with a 13 year old, so I guess it all depends. I'd say maybe 15 or 16.

  25. I would say as long as they are over 12.  The most important thing is that you and your kids connect with the babysitter and the babysitter is someone who you feel you can trust.  

    A few moms are chatting about rates, teen sitters etc here:

  26. 15 or 16 and have younger siblings so they would have experience helping mom and dad out.

  27. It depends on the age of the kids and the maturity of the babysitter.  A mature 12 year old might do a great job babysitting with a mature 8 year old for instance.  Younger children, especially pre-school and below require an older caregiver of 15-16.  An infant needs an adult at least 17

  28. depends on the age of the kids theyre babysitting. I'd say 16. i remember babysitting 2 year olds when i was 12 and that seems insane to me now.

  29. The age isn't want matters. It is maturity and qualification. I started babysitting at like 11 for 3 kids. Many young girls are even getting certified for babysitting. That is something I would look for in a sitter. :D

  30. probably 15, they shold be old enough to seperate there lives from doing there job but somewhat young enough so that there able to play with the kids well.

  31. Depends on the sitter? Do you know them personally? If they are developed and mature they should be fine @ 14. If you dont know them at least 16, and ask for references, and make sure they are CPR trained.

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