
How on Earth can people claim that Palin has more experience than Obama?

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I can't even fit all of Obama's accomplishments on here... check out an overview at

Palin, on the other hand, is the governor of a state that has fewer people than the metro area of Rochester, NY. Sure, she's the commander in chief of the National Guard there... but Monroe County's Sheriff department would probably require more credentials.

I mean, seriously... she has a bachelor's in journalism? Not to dis any journalism majors out there but that's not exactly the level of education I'd like to see in the VP...




  1.   We  know  Obama  went to  Iraq  for a week  and got  a medal

      for his  knowledge  of  terroism,  and  all  the knowledge  he needs now,  he  must  learn  fast,,

      just  stand  back  and watch  Sara  Palin  take  it  to  the Dem,s

        McMain  made a great  choice,

        McMain / Palin  08

  2. When Obama got elected as senator she was starting her 5th year as an elected official.  She has governed a state while Obama was a senator to IL- but he has been absent most of the time, spending it running for president.  She has lots more experience.  The Obama campaign needs to think before they speak or it will bite them in the butt.  McCain, Palin, and Biden are all more experienced than Obama

  3. I thought you guys wanted change. Palin has actually CHANGED things in Alaska's (previously) corrupt government. She is a reformer... and a DC outsider. Obama just talks... and talks... and talks. He's done NOTHING. She's got a journalism degree... he's a lawyer... big deal. And most importantly, she's a governor... that's like on the job training to be President. Senators don't do squat.

  4. I was a Romney fan and now I am a McCain/Palin fan. For someone to be in office such a short time and accomplish so much no wonder democrats and several people here trash her--they are scared because they know that Obama's 1st term as Senator has only resulted in saying present and helping with 1 bill.

  5. I've always thought Governor of any state trumps Senator. What's a Senator actually in charge of, besides his bar bill? Not that Obama drinks as far as I know; he smokes, which is a much cleaner, healthier habit.

  6. How much experience do you need to vote "present"?

  7. Hey, Wasilla is a tough place to govern!!!!  Don't underestimate that experience.  LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Thanks McCain.  

  8. Ooohhhhh....snap. Rayne just laid the smack down. You dems can TALK all you want about change.....Palin actually has MADE change. Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Obama, what was that? What about your accomplishments? Oh right......seems we forgot about your self-praising autobiography. If you wanna gloat on experience Obama....well you lost that one too.....cause McCain has got you beat there too....and it's actually him you're running against...not Palin. McCain just balanced his weaknesses out PERFECTLY.

  9. More executive experience. Obama was a legislator not an executive. The job of president is executive. McCain has less experience than Palin in executive too.

    Executive Experience

    McCain: 0

    Obama: 0

    Biden: 0

    Palin: 3 years

  10. Because, it's true junior. And, besides she hunts and fishes what a great wife to have. Now if you want to run a summer basketball league Obama's your guy.

  11. Your link doesn't work. And even if it did, Obama has accomplished ZERO since taking his senator's seat.

    Wait, I forgot, he voted to terminate live born babies who survived abortion. Very admirable.

    Palin has overcome incredible odds against incumbents. She is a government reformer who has cut taxes, reformed tax codes, spurred energy development, and cut back on wasteful government.

    Currently, she's implementing a 35 billion dollar natural gas pipeline down through Canada to the 48 states. What has Obama done about energy?  

    Oh right. I forgot. He checked his tires. Terrific.

    Yes she is commander of the National Guard in Alaska. This puts more military experience in her pocket than Obama and Biden together.

    And let’s not forget, she's the VP. Obama is running for President. And you'll back his play even though:

    He has ZERO executive experience.

    He has ZERO notable senate accomplishments.

    He has ZERO credentials to be a military commander.

    He, far from being non-partisan, is one of the most LIBERAL politicians in the Senate.

    Almost everything he says fails to stand up to any kind of rational scrutiny (can you believe he's now taking CREDIT for Iraq?!).

    He can't face down even simple issues (did you watch Saddleback?)

    And you support Biden, despite the fact that:

    He has ZERO notable accomplishments in over 35 years of service (unless you count running your mouth and saying racist comments).

    Far from being an advocate of CHANGE, he is one of the most hardened elite politicians in the Senate.

    He also has ZERO executive experience.

    He has ZERO military experience.

    You want to try the experience debate? Funny, but Obama's campagain brought it up today. Barack quickly distanced himself from that topic a short while later.

    He knows if he picks this fight over a VP choice, it'll only highlight his total lack of positive accomplishment as PRESIDENT.

  12. Easy, Paling was a Mayor for a small town of 9,000 people, obama 0, Palin is a Governor of a state, obama 0, obama has been in the Senate for 3 years, 2 running for President.

    Palin has more experience.

    I am only 2 yrs old.

  13. Palin has actual political accomplishments.  Something obama only wishes he had.

    Plus, Palin loves America.

  14. Alright calm down and don't be so into party politics.  Look up executive level experience...then get a piece of paper and draw 2 columns.  In one column write Obama.  In the other column write Palin.  List their executive level experience.

    That will give you the answer in a non biased way....and be accurate.

  15. Do you know what Senator's do? They vacation, get to eat the best food on the planet, get the best health care plans, and vote. The hardest thing a Senator's job entails is voting and Barack wasn't even competent enough to vote correctly. Not to mention he was a junior Senator. Governor's actually have a full days work 7 days a week and run their state.

  16. The manager at McDonald's has executive experience. Some have more than 18 months like Palin.

    Whatever he think he has gained with women, he has lost from his base.

    Maybe Huckabee should go third party and kick his butt!

  17. Palin is the first woman governor of Alaska, the first person to serve as governor that was born after Alaska was granted statehood, was mayor and served on city council.

    She has traveled overseas, more times than Obama, to visit wounded soldiers and one of her sons is set to be deployed to Iraq in September.

    Palin’s accomplishments in Alaska dwarf Obama’s time in the Senate. She has killed pork barrel projects including the Bridge to Nowhere and passed ethics reform in Alaska that effectively ended the political career of many Republicans. She passed a constitutional ban on g*y marriage but signed into law benefits for homosexual couples. And unlike the current Senate, has passed a budget in the amount of $6.6 billion that included several hundred cuts in wasteful programs, saving taxpayers over $200 million.

    Palin's popularity soared above 80% as she shelved pork-barrel projects by fellow Republicans and jump-started a campaign by her lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, to unseat veteran U.S. Rep. Don Young of Alaska, who is now being investigated by the FBI.

    Ms. Palin has shown similar boldness in going after Big Oil, whose money has long dominated the state and helped fund its Republican machine. In a snub to the oil majors, she has proposed TransCanada Corp., a Calgary energy company, be given the primary contract to lead the $30 billion job to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope.

    "Palin has accomplished a feat which has eluded the U.S. Congress for many years. She has pushed through the Alaska legislature a natural gas pipeline project which will bring new supply and price relief to the lower 48:

    On Aug. 1, the same day the call for a vote on drilling began on the House floor, the Alaska state Senate approved a package of measures to license a new natural gas pipeline. House Bill 3001 lets Palin award the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act license to TransCanada Alaska, a pipeline builder that cast a winning bid of five.

    The legislature had been trying for 30 years to authorize something like this and, up until now, had blown it. Palin got it through. Getting it off the ground, the state says, will be the biggest construction project in U.S. history.

    Palin considers the $26 billion project her biggest accomplishment as governor. "It was not easy," she told IBD. "Alaska has been hoping and dreaming for a natural gas pipeline for decades. What it took was getting off the dime and creating a competitive market in Alaska."

    The 1,715-mile gas line would stretch from Alaska's North Slope to Fairbanks and down to Alberta, Canada. Then it would take existing gas lines to Idaho. In 10 years, Palin says, the lower 48 states would receive 4.5 million cubic feet of natural gas a day. By 2030, according to Energy Department estimates, Alaska's annual natgas production would quintuple to 2 trillion cubic feet."

    There's much more, but I think you may be getting the point.

  18. Education in college means nothing. you can be educated in to imbecility. She has run a state govt. Formed a budget, meet a payroll. obama has done none of these things.  By the way, do you know that palin is the vp candidate and obama is the presidential candidate. That is scary. No experience obama should never be any more than vp fodder.  By the way, you don't know the education any of the previous vp's have had.  What is cheneys education, how about gore? how about quayle, how about bush sr. how about mondale, how about rockefeller, how about agnew? you don't know!

  19. They both have the same amount of experience in a different way. Obama has legislative,and Palin has executive. Overall experience,Obama has just slightly more if you count his State Senate experience. I may be wrong. If Palin does have more overall experience than Obama,she's just slightly ahead. I guess some of the Republicans will suddenly praise her like she's had 10 years of experience just because she has a slice more experience than Obama. It's really sad

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