
How on earth can bush talk about human rights records

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im gobsmacked,illegal wars and gauntanamo and fixed trials,its a feckin joke,america is the worlds worst offender




  1. This is breaking it down to a simple explanation. I have known a few wealthy teenagers in my life . Although they were very active in clubs and sports etc. they came to expect a brand new car for their sixteenth birthday .At sixteen years old they had a brand new Mustang  sitting in the drive way. They grew up going to the best colleges and went to work in as high profile corporate executive or married wealthy husbands. These teenagers - lived a privileged life and grew up to believe that people were poor because they wanted to be that way. They just had no clue about human rights. Bush is from that situation. And because of that he looks down on people and thinks to himself that people are poor because they are lazy or want to be that way.

  2. "human rights" is a buzz word for him, he doesn't really know what they mean

  3. Consider the source, this is his final hurrah the last big "Photo Op", the all hat no cattle prezident will go out in style, no substance, and no respect.

  4. i agree, i have nothing nice to say about bush!!! i hate that racist fascist!!! human rights mean nothing to him he hates human rights he denys the rights of humans on a daily basis. but remember he is a freemason 33rd degree the religion of the devil, its what they do lie cheat rape and kill in a satanic style just hearing his name fills me with anger and hatered ahhhhh

  5. No, that's not true.  Not the world's worst.

    However, its not the best is it. You forgot to mention hanging, electric chair and lethal injection...disgusting.

  6. That WILL have been noted,

  7. You paint Americans with a rather broad brush. You have to remember that the village idiot that was voted into office, by the brainwashed majority, really thinks that as president he can do no wrong. Not all Americans believe or behave in this fashion and cringe every time he opens his mouth.  

  8. Fcats, The war was supported by congress, they gave him the power to do what he did. Yes I feel it was a mistake but it is what it is now get over it and think of solutions.

    Illegal aliens are breaking our laws, thats why there called Illegal Aliens. I wish he would do more to squash them. Laws are laws whether or nott you like it.

    Guantanamo is a Military prison, And the trials are legal, the prisoners wouldnt be there if there wasnt a reason. Take a look at the ones that where released they attcked civilians and our soldiers. But thats right there innocent, NOT!!!!!

    You have to much hate and its clouding your mind. Quite drinking the leftwing kool aid and get you information from other sources.

  9. That is the beauty of Democracy. Freedom of speech. The right to think and say what you believe. Even if it does mean you are a hypocrite

  10. America is the worst offender???????

    The fact that we can all be here bashing Bush proves we don't live in the horrible country some people make it out to be (for those of us in the US).

    China still has most of the internet blocked and routinely arrests people who speak out against the government.

    I'm not saying the US doesn't need some improvement, but let's be realistic before calling it the world's worst offender.

    North Korea recently executed a man for making an international phone call (because they are banned from communicating with the outside world).  North Koreans struggle to obtain even the most basic of needs (foods, clothes, etc.) but are told they have it better than most in the world and should be glad to be where they are.  They have no way of knowing other wise.

  11. thats one bush who leaves us all treed with his utterances

  12. Really. While the rest of the world has moved on to CD's, maybe we can get him to at least move up to 8 track tapes.

  13. I agree with you 100 percent. That's very hypocritical because he is not practising what hes preaching.

  14. Yes...a bit rich.  

  15. figure he will be gone soon and hopefully doing 25 to life in leavenworth if he is lucky enough to avoid the death penalty for his crimes.  

  16. LOL!!!!

    i totally agree... i was listening to the news this morning and was thinking... "well theres the pot calling the kettle black..."

    yeah Mr. Bush, maybe if you waterboard the Chinese minister, he'll comply with human rights.... and set him up on a fake millitary tribunal trial while your at it...

  17. I know what you mean, he'll be gone soon. I'll miss his hilariously ignorant worldview

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