
How on earth do I get my windows open?

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This is... a bizarre question. I promise.

On every single last one of my windows there's a little bulb. It almost looks like you'd push the center in, but it won't budge! How do I do it? Do I have to uninstall these things? Do I poke them a certain way? What?! WHAT?!?!?!


Here, have a picture:




  1. Pull the bulb.

  2. wood casement maybe just swollen with moisture/ run a Knive along painted edge? the button some kinda lock/ or release maybe2 of them? prees together? press and hold then push up?

  3. that is a sash lock. there is a s***w under the cap cover which screws the lower sash into the upper, so the window can't be opened from the outside. the photo isn't clear enough, but there is a s***w in there.

  4. looks like they are painted. if it is humid out, forget it...looks like you have to push the button as well as move the window up at the same time. painted windows can be hard, to open if it is humid there it makes it worse. you will probably need some one to push the botton, as someone else applies small, upward pushes to the bottom of the top of the frame of the window..might take a while, but that should work..

    do the top ones come down??

    good luck..

  5. Could you post a clearer picture please. The provided image is really out-of-focus and its really difficult to visualize from the text.

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