
How on earth..........?

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do so many people read so many books in a month? According to the response of a recent question some people can read 8 even 12 books in a month. How do you do it? Do you all have access to some superhuman drug I have not heard about? I struggle to get through one or two books in that time and I am decidedly envious.




  1. Hi there.

    I am managing 1 a week at present! My daughter can get through 2 dozen, mind you, she is an unemployed layabout. Maybe that is the answer...

    Cheers, Steve.

    PS Or they could be short books!

  2. maybe you're reading books, that aren't interesting.

    i usually finish a book within 2/3 days.

  3. I love to read and when I'm in a "phase" I do nothing else. I come home after work and read until I go to sleep, and I read all weekend all day long. That gives you a good 700 pages in two days, or in one day on the weekend. But I only do that when I love the books I'm reading and when I'm in a phase. My boyfriend doesn't like my phases.

  4. 8 to 12 books? unless these are really thin books, that sounds quite difficult to manage. The most i ever read is 4 books in a month, and only cause i had nothing else to do. hahaha maybe it is a superhuman drug . =P

  5. I have been reading since I was 5 and I am now 46.  I've always been fast.  I do read the whole thing and I don't speed read.  My average is, indeed, 10-12 books a month (500 pages or less each).  My husband is also an avid reader (in his case, since he was 9).  However, he's a lot slower than I am.  I'd say 4-5 books a month.  I don't think it has anything to do with your love of reading, but rather how your brain processes the written word.  I don't think there is an explanation for this.  Don't feel bad.  I think that what is important is that you are actually enjoying what you are reading.  If you are not, then maybe that is the explanation.  When my husband and I pick up a book to read it is exclusively for pleasure and we only read fiction when reading for fun (we have enough boring legalese to deal with in our respective jobs, him being an attorney and me being a legal secretary).

  6. I read about 4...

  7. well, i read about 6 - 10 books a month, becasue I'm a fast reader, where ever i go, i have my book, and if i have spare time i read it. and if  don't like a book, i don't read it - perhaps if you read books you really liked, you'd read them quicker.  

  8. Eight to twelve in a month?  I can read that in a week and a half.  I've done it many times as well.  

    You have to love to read.  That's all there is to it.  The most exciting times in my life are those moments I spend in a book store.  And that's not a joke.  I've been that way ever since I was very young.   It works the same for those play sports for a profession.  They spend hours and hours and hours in the gym, and they think it's the best time ever.   Me?  Give me an hour, and I'm done.  I don't ever want to see a gym again.

    Everybody's different.  You read your one or two, and I'll read my thirty-six.  

  9. Like so many things, it's really easy if you enjoy it.

  10. some people like reading some don't i can get through abwt 20 books in a month and then the next month read 2, it just varies on how much spare time you have

  11. Once I get into a book I find it difficult to put it down. I've been known to hole up in my room for hours in order to get through a book. I read really, really fast as well. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking time over a book, though.

  12. Just a fast reader?

    Eight books in a month is only two a week though. If I'm on a roll and have a pile of good books waiting to be read I can easily read tonnes more than that. Reading to me is effortless, you just sink into the story and keep reading. You know when a book's good when you can't put it down and you suddenly realise an hour has passed when it feels like a few minutes.

    Though occasionally I might only read five or six in a month, or, since I write too, if I'm particularly wrapped up in what I'm writing as little as one or two, but other months I might read twenty.

    And cccasionally I even read two or three at once...

  13. If you really enjoy reading the book, you wouldn't notice that you're almost finished with it.

    8 to 12? I could read that many in 1-2 weeks. Depends on whether I have other businesses to attend to. Priorities first, you know. :)

    Haha, I've never heard of such a drug. I just enjoy reading books and exploring other things so much, I don't notice that I`m already done with it. It's weird, actually. And my friends go, "What the h**l? You finished a book that thick in ONE DAY?" That's a surprise for them, not for me. I sometimes giggle at their faces.

    Remember: Enjoy what you read. Love what you do. It's easier if you love it.


  14. A lot of people lie about how much they read. Or they just read 50,000 word novels that take them a day to get through. Also crappy books that you pick up from sands at the airport take less time to read.

    Don't beat yourself up about it. I used to read about four or five books a month but now I have a kid and it's more like two - and they're usually short ones :P

  15. My second job is working evenings in a library, I basically sit at a desk 5pm - 10pm and stamp a few books every now and again....thats when I get a lot of my reading done. I also make quite a few train journeys to visit family so thats a good few hours I can dedicate to book reading as well.

    Its not a competition though, read and your own pace and enjoy the characters. My mum takes about four months to read a book because she doesn't have that much spare time but she always has one on the go because she loves reading.  

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