
How ong would it take someone who never surfed before to be able to get air of the waves?

by  |  earlier

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Lets say this person is in pretty good shape, and surfs as much as possible. ( almost everyday?)




  1. Once you get the hang of surfing you won't give a flying *** about'll just want to be pitted so deep and heavy it'll be the only thing on your mind......

  2. How about just learning to get as much out of a wave as possible. some guys have never 'gotten air' (at least not intentionally, me included, and I've been surfing for over forty years). If I could surf almost every day, I wouldn't worry about 'getting air', I'd be too stoked at doing what comes natural every day.

  3. Work on the rest of your surfing first, theres alot of pro's that still dont do em. So the answer is, years and years and years. Ive been surfing my whole life and landed only a handful of em. Its a good way to hurt your board.

  4. It also depends on the wave you're surfing... If the waves don't have the right launchpad, condishes, then it's not even worth it...

  5. it will take years..punting off a wave requires other moves you need to do you need at least a solid bottom turn and timing is everything and unlike other sports where you practice on the same constant surrounding well forget about that in surfing you're not always going to get the same exact waves all the time that will allow you to air off of it..

  6. Shouldn't take long.......depends on skill level....even if you surf as much as you can, it depends on your skill and how correctly you perform manuevers....if you are doing things incorrect it will take longer. The best advise would be to pay and get some lessons for an experienced reputable surfer and let instructor critque skill level, form and overall surf ability and then learn from there.

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