
How open are you spiritual types with talking about your experiences with spirits and dieties?

by  |  earlier

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Especially here? I don't want to go into detail, but I've felt a presence on different occasions and I don't know if I should ever admit to it, especially since I'm a Christian. I feel like I would catch it from people from all beliefs.




  1. I think you and I have very different understandings of what it means to be spiritual.  I would love to hear more!

  2. religion has nothing to do with being a receptor. whether you are christian or pagan or other religion, this doesn't change the fact that one can home in on spirits. mostly spirits are just curious about what the living are doing and why but there are times when they come calling for a reason or with a message. don't be afraid to ask them what they want. sometimes they just want some help with crossing over and no matter what religion you are, the human thing to do is to help them. put their spirits at rest and let them cross over. i know that a lot of people on here will give you the weirdest of answers but you have to expect that. do what you feel is right in your heart and in your mind.

  3. I'm very open about my experiences.  

  4. Oh yeah, you mean demons and demons.  So what's your question hypocrite (hypocrite being defined as one who pretends)?

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