
How or when did the FCC receive the power to supercede the constitution?

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How is it the FCC is able to supercede the constitution and decide that freedom of speech does not apply to radio and television?




  1. I hate to burst your bubble, but there are limits on speech everywhere.  You cannot say, "I'm going to kill the president," for instance, nor can you yell "fire" in a movie theater if there is no fire.  You also cannot say something that is libelous or slanderous about another person.

    The FCC does not allow certain words ON FREE television or radio.  If you subscribe to cable or satellite radio, however, you'll hear words that George Carlin never dreamed of saying!

  2. People don't realize it, but we the people are losing more and more rights.  The government is getting larger stepping into all kinds of areas it has no business being in. We are marching towards a future that is not America.  Wake up people!

  3. When the American People surrendered the right and propogated the problem by complaining about things they thought were offensive.

    Why the thumbs down? truth hurts?

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