
How or where can i get a ship to south africa?

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my partner is due to have our baby on 14th december this year and is now in south africa with her parents.i am in the uk and need to get there asap but because of a bad phobia i am unable to fly. someone please help!!




  1. Take one of those big passenger ships. I'd rather fly than go on a ship however... I'm dog afraid of the ocean, so yeah.

  2. Dying from drowning in the sea when the ship goes down is way scarier and slower than going down in a plane... The reason i'm telling you this; is because you've asked the question before; and people have given you legit answers; so i guess this would be the type of answer you're looking for?

  3. Holland America Has a South Africa Voyage.  They run at different times and they are called the grand voyages.  I would call them and ask for a 2007 Cruise PLanner.

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