
How or where could i send backpacks to the homeless and needy?

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I want to make backpacks full with basic toiletries, socks , food etc. for the needy. The only question is i dont know where to send them or any org. in a third world country that could receive the backpacks and distribute them.




  1. You can send them to marines or the army in Iraq,

    or support Americ'a homeless and donate to a church, they will make sure that they are given to homesless people!

    PS: I think that is very awesome of you!

  2. I like your idea

    I used to be a Senior Caseworker for Red Cross Disaster Services and we did not generally accept things like these back packs though some individual disaster assistance teams did if they have storage.  Call your local chapter of Red Cross and ask for the DAT Team captain for your area to contact you, tell them this is an offer of help not an emergency assistance request.

    Your school or bd of ed should have a homeless student's liaison who perhaps keep a few back packs fopr students who are or become homeless. The nearest domestic violence shelter might also be a good place since ppl leaving family violence situations often must leave quickly and with few if any possessions.  You can find the shelter through    Any homeless shelter in your area is also a good possibility the school liaison should be able to tell you where and/or you can look under social services in the phone book or ask at any food ministry.  

    May I make a suggestion?  Incluse one of those little key chain size stuffed animal or a sock puppet or something like that in bags for kids (teens too) and/or possibly a coloring book and small pack of crayons and maybe one or 2 meal replacement bars and a juice bos inside a ziplock plastic bag.    Kids probably had to leave favorite toys behind  and would be comforted by something like that.  Meal bars and juice box are in case they are not where a meal is readily available or a child is hungry or thirsty at a time when some shelter schedule doesn't provide food or fluids.   Another great inclusion especially in winter is "survival blankets"  These are shiny plastic sheets that fold to about the size and weight of a pack of cigarettes and reflect heat in in winter and out in summer (depending on which side out they are used) as well as helping keep someone dry.   The ones by Coleman cost under $3 usually and are in camping and sporting goods sections in Wall-Mart and in some grocery stores in areas where there are lots of campers and day hikers.  O Bandaids too.   KIds who are hurting inside somehow seem to need bandaids outside.

  3. call the redcross in your area. they have offices all over the world and can see that your items get to those in need. that is a very nice jesture on your part. good luck.

  4. Yes, American Red Cross will take them and donate them to local fire victims that lose their homes.

    They do not usually send items like that overseas but will use them in the local community.

  5. There are two places i can think of and they are:

    -habitat for humanity

    -world vision

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