
How or where to go to identify the baby fish in my lake ?

by  |  earlier

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there is alot of 2 to 3 inch minnows i would like to find out what they are i was wondering if there is a site to go to




  1. how does your answer make some one elses answer wrong. since they were talking about a minnow type you tell them bluegill or bass. that is not a correct answer for this question. just call your local Dnr or rangers office ask them your question. they will tell you what is in that particular body of water. they will either tell you or help you by going to the water you are looking at and identifying the fish for you. you would be surprised at all the types of fish in your lake. good luck. try department of natural or type in the name of the lake and state to look up info on that lake.

  2. Fresh or salt water ? You can visit your States Wildlife and Game Web site or go to TFH (Tropical Fish Hobbyist) Web site... good luck

  3. ..the  other guy gave you a bad answer...well if they have a sky blue dot or speck on theyre gills, theyre bluegill, if they are long and have a line in them, they are bass(mosst common) and if they are tilapia, they will have about 4 or 3 lines going like a zebra, but downward

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