
How (or why) did Britian get so advanced in world/home events?

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So during the past so many hundred years Britian has always had such a big influence in the world and still sees itself as having a lot of authority in world events/decisions even more so than America even though its military is obviously much smaller... Why is this, it must have been the attitude that the Romans brought over in the first place that have shaped all this ?.... I suppose they feel a great responsibility to all the countries they have colonized over the years, and any possible injustices that have occurred but its just bizzarre how such a medium-small sized country can have had such power of world events. I suppose the answer may be in the Bible, not sure...

Basically why (or how) did Britian manage to get so far ahead in education, industry, science, engineering, society building, law, morality.... you name it.... ?




  1. The French navy was defeated, which opened the way for Britain to colonize half the world. Britain still has somewhat past ties, and hence has some influence. It also more to do with bullish American behavior, America is the super power, but is extremely distrusted and disliked.

    So Britain is able to better mediate b/c of the understanding required to help mediate, or negotiate, or exert any influence. This was apparent in regards to Iraq war. America believed they will be welcomed as heroes(are they are giving em freedom), Blair insisted on dealing with after math.

    Why Britain had this understanding, it was their former colony, they knew any westerner is seen as colonizer, which America had no understanding of, and still had a bullish view.

    There modern success is nothing to do with bible at all, Churches across Britain are empty. Britain has one of the highest rate of teen-age pregnancies.

    It's all to do with Clement Attlee, after  WII Labour government was elected, and social plans were implemented eg free health care for all (NHS), free education, social security. Same opportunities provided for everyone resulted in this success. However it's not just Britain, Scandinavian countries eg Norway are even more successful.


    Again first it's not just Britain or America.

    Compare UK & America to Norway. It's nothing to do with God. The fundamental reason Britain is here, is simply colonization. How is Africa suppose to succeed if they were slaves.

    Read the history. British and American history is no bed time story. America survived unscathed after WII, so economy flourished.

    The major reason between developing countries and developed countries is Industrial revolution. Super powers change, remember Arabs were super power at one time, there's a 1000 year old British coin with Arabic on it. Pictures of virgin Mary, where Arabic is written on the scarf she's wearing.

    People who take advantage, make use of the resources, have a common will to succeed, become successful. China

    is no Moral country but is the fastest growing economy, will take over America in 2020. So is it b/c of God, no it's b/c of will and 'cheap labor'.

    Africa has no unity(among people), no will to succeed, corruption, corrupt regimes, lack of education etc. many a times perpetuated by the western countries. There is a long British history of condoning this corrupt regimes. However if the will is there, people can change, take for example India, Singapore.

    Japan: why is Japan successful when it was completely destroyed in WII.

  2. You are very right on this.  The British people have led the world in so many ways.  Maybe it was the Romans who passed on their inbuilt genetic will to succeed.  What I do believe is that we are or were a race of superior intelligence.  Maybe it was just our 'turn'.

    As you say, look at all the achievements and how we have been followed and copied as an example to most other nations in the world.

    However we are not the only ones.  Look at the Egyptians and the Ancient Chinese and Greeks and yes the Romans.  I think these Nations all had their years of greatness, only to have their downfall mainly through wars, diseases and poor leadership.

    Maybe we are coming to an end of our greatness and world dominance.  It certainly seems that way from where I am looking out,

  3. Morality?...Where did you get that idea?

    2 things.  The Industrial Revolution and The Empire.

  4. Very simple answer - the British Navy.

    Do some research to expand on that.

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