
How overweight do you have to be to take Alli?

by  |  earlier

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Is someone who is 5'9 and weigh 170 pounds safe to take it?




  1. It is OTC and you don't have to be a certain weight to take it.  However, if you haven't already changed your diet and tried exercise first, I would consider doing so.  Alli is a lipase inhibitor, meaning it prevents you from absorbing fat.  As a result, it can have some nasty side effects...anal leakage, oily spotting, etc.  It can be effective for some though...I'm not trying to discourage you, only let you know the facts.  My mom is a pharmacy tech, and they do at times recommend it to patients...she says the good thing about it is that it forces you to learn how to eat low-fat since you can't absorb fat while you're on it.  Good luck to you!!!!

    P.S. Your BMI isn't that far into the overweight range.  Also, a good site to use for healthy eating and weight management/weight loss is

  2.  hope this helps!!  according to this chart you are a little lighter then their chart.

  3. Your not over weight.  What you should do is change your diet and add some exercise.  If you look at all those diet pills they only work with diet and exercise.  So why not save money and not get scammed and just eat healthier and do some activities.

  4. Google BMI.  One of those sites has a place for you to enter your height and weight to find your Body Mass Index.  Alli has one bad drawback.... rectal leaking.  Are you sure you wish to bother with that?   Isn't just eating less better?????

  5. Anyone can take it , it is not from a Docor, it is at Walmart.

    And by the way, I heard it is a shitting pill.

    All it does , is make you have to take a dump.

    Try Metabolic Weight Loss Centers, for permanant weight loss and pills that work.

  6. You are not overweight

  7. First of all, you're not overweight. 25.1% does not constitute a weight problem, and just ten pounds less would put you in the Optimal weight category.

    As for Alli, I do not know their weight specification, but I do know from a friend, and customer reviews, HOW it makes you lose weight. It creates oily diarrhea, of which you have no control over, so be prepared to wear Depends, if you choose to take it.

    It's never healthy to take a dietary supplement. Instead start working the machines at your local gym, join a Pillates class, and watch your portions (that doesn't mean to eat less, it means to eat RIGHT i.e. little or no sugary, fatty, or procesed foods).

  8. you can take it, but it really doesn't work.  I tried it years ago when it was Rx - and all it did was give me terrible problems with my bowels.  Last year I became diabetic, and I had to give up sugars and carbs, and my doctor put me on Topamax - that stuff really works!  Cuts your cravings for food!  I have lost 90 pounds in a year and my diabetes is in control.  Saved my life.  Alli works on fats - but it's really carbs that makes us fat - this I have really learned over the last year, and it's the way I will eat for the rest of my life.  Cut your carbs & sugars & you will lose it, I promise and you will live longer too.  Good luck!

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