
How packed will Liverpool be because of the Matthew Street Festival?

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I wanted to go out Monday night but I'm worried all the bars and restaurants will be jammed with visitors. Where is all of this going on? I wanted to head down to the Albert Docks and up as far as the Cathedral, but not if it's going to be crawling from top to bottom with people. Tell me what you know, especially if you've been before! Thanks :)




  1. I only gave it a go a few times and gave up years ago.

    If it's a nice day pretty much all of the centre will be jam packed.

    I was just talking to my sister and the last time she went a couple of years ago it was that crowded that she couldn't actually walk down Matthew street.

    I remember when it was raining and Matthew street being a mass of people with clouds of steam rising from them all.

    I'm personally not one for big crowds ,not so much that they bother me but I just can't be bothered,

    God knows what sort of affect the smoking ban will have had to with people constantly going in and out of packed pubs.

    If I were you I'd start by the Phil' and see how far down you can get.

    You may be able to find a happy medium of a bit of atmosphere without the chaos.

    Also bear in mind that by night time a lot of people may be 'tired and emotional'.

    Have fun!

  2. I went on Sunday and Monday and it was absolutely packed! But if you stay away from the main festival area, it should be ok!

    Good Luck!

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