
How painful is a Colposcopy?

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I am having one on Friday and don't know what to expect. My doctor told me to take 600 mg of a painkiller before I go. I'm worried its going to be painful.




  1. I assist with them, and the amount of pain you have is really variable.  The procedure itself is more uncomfortable than painful.  For starters, the position isn't all that graceful, so your legs and lower spine can fuss.  The cervix itself doesn't have any feeling to speak of- we'd never have babies if it did.  Most ladies say they feel sort of a pinch, or maybe a strong cramp.  Afterward, you are stiff and sore- not really in pain though.  The reason for the painkiller- and I am thinking maybe this is Motrin you are talking about- is more for the muscle relaxant properties than the pain actually.  The procedure can trigger the uterus to contract, or cramp.  The Motrin will help prevent that happening quite as strongly.  We usually recommend our ladies do the same thing.  Be sure to take a pad with you to wear home after, as well.  If the doctor takes a biopsy, he will stop any bleeding using a nasty yellow brownish paste.  That will mix with the blood and vaginal secretions and look like a nasty black discharge, which can scare the bejeebers out of you if you aren't expecting it.  The spotting can last two or three days, sometimes up to a week, and in that time you can't use a tampon.  Use pads without any sort of deodorant as well.  You will need to keep an eye out the first day mostly.  If you soak a pad in less than an hour, or have serious lower abdominal pain- you'll want to see the doctor again.  You will also need to look out for any odor, as there really shouldn't be any at all, not more than the normal anyway.   Most times you get the results back in about 2 weeks, if they take a sample, which is the usual thing to do.  Honestly, it's not that bad, and you shouldn't be more than nervous and uncomfortable.  Your tush and thighs will be the stiffest parts of you.  Good luck, dear- may the news be good.

  2. I have had 3 cause  colon cancer runs in my family.  I have never experienced any pain.  they put you to sleep and nest thing you know your awake and they go ovr the results with you.  No big Deal.  I promise.  Be sure and drink the stuff they tell you to go get just like it says and be prepared to spend some time on th toliet.  It will clean you out.  The cleaner your colon is the more they can see.

  3. It is nothing to be worried about.  I have had 3 and it was not much more painful than cramps from your monthly.  You will be fine.

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