
How painful is getting your wisdom teeth removed?

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I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth (one of them impacted) removed and I want to know what to expect. How painful is it going to be, how long will it last, what will I be able to eat. Also I'm 17 if that helps.




  1. it's not exactly a walk in the park (especially the impacted one), but they will do a thorough job with anaesthesia so you won't feel it.  you won't feel too hot for a couple of days afterward but don't let any of this keep you from doing it.

  2. I only had the top ones which were coming in sideways

    one was pulled and the other cut out (put to sleep for that)

    didn't feel a thing didn't hurt went out afterwards shopping

    a little swollen cheek is all

  3. Ouch. All four at once?... in all honesty, might be quite painful. They will most likely have you under gas when they are doing the procedure, and then will prescribe fairly strong medication that will make you VERY drowsy, so it will be a good idea to take off a few days. I don't know if you are a smoker or not... but DON'T DO IT while your gums are healing. You will get something called dry sockets and it will hurt like a motherf*cker and take much much longer to heal. The medicine should help with most of the pain, but you should definitely let your dentist or the office that did the procedure know if it doesn't. Eat soft and liquid foods such as soups, mashed potatoes, avoid foods that could get stuck in your gums, cleaning them out when they hurt can be annoying.

  4. dont worry iv had mine removed its not really painful, they numb your mouth to the point were you cannot feel a thing and you are practically drulling. You feel no pain at all ,only the force of them pulling your teeth.

  5. I had my wisdom teeth out just 2 days ago.

    This is my experience so far:

    I decided to get my wisdom teeth out because they started to crowd all my teeth to the front (nothing major, but my teeth were shifting).  Plus, the pain of them trying to come in caused intense migraines.  I went to an oral surgeon to have x-rays taken and sure enough all 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted.  The top 2 had a little of their roots in my sinus cavity and the bottom two were laying just above the nerve that runs along your chin.  This is dangerous because this nerve controls the feeling in your chin, nose, tongue, etc, so if the surgeon damages it for any reason there is a risk (low) that you will lose feeling in any or all of these temporarily or for good.  This is why I suggest finding an amazing oral surgeon, which I did.  Insurance covered about half, so I hope you have insurance.  It was $400 a tooth and that does not include the anestheshia, IV, service, and extra fees, plus tax.

    So on the 25th I went in to have my surgery done.  I was nervous but knew it was something that just had to be done. I also had been taking these blue/green pills 2 days before to prevent infection and have to take them 3 days after for 5 days total.

    The assistant called my name and took me into the room where I was having the surgery done.  She clarified my allergies and asked me how I react to anesthesia (do not worry if you have never done surgery, or if you have had surgery and do not remember...if you do not remember than you are fine because problems with anesthesia is something doctors would have stressed pretty strongly to you so you would remember).  After a few questions she said she was going to give me some nitrous to help me relax aka laughing gas.  The laughing gas didnt make me crack up like some people claim it does, it just relaxed me and made my whole body tingle.  She then said she was going to put the IV in me.  It was a pinch.  The surgeon came in shortly after and said, "How are you doing?" I said "fine" he said ok im just going to give you something to relax and all I remember is seeing him take a needle and hold it up to the IV and thats it i was knocked out within a second.

    When I woke up it was about an hour later and I woke up to just pressure of them changing the gauze out of my mouth and i had an ice pack velcroed around my head (i suggest buying one of these if they do not give you one).  Let me tell you I felt amazing. You dont feel anything, I was completely numb.

    You definitely need someone to drive you and listen to the after-care instructions.  There was honestly no discomfort for me after.  I also have dissolving stitches.

    The 1st day I would say was the worst (when I say worst I mean gave me the most trouble but NOTHING to worry about).  It was the worst because I could not feel anything.  My chin, bottom lip, cheeks,etc all numb.  This was extremely annoying because I had to swallow pills and I couldnt feel anything so I kept choking on the water and the pill would just float around in my mouth because I thought I swallowed it.  Kind of amusing because I thought I had swallowed all the water (i would tilt my head back and swallow) and when i put my head forward all this water would come pouring out of my mouth.  Changing the gauze didnt bother me, but i was pretty dizzy from the anestheshia.  Make sure you have someone to help you.

    The 1st day I honestly did not feel too much but was just really out of it.  I barely slept which I was extremely pissed about because everyone kept telling me how i was just going to sleep through it. No i was b-o-r-e-d...i did doze in and out though.

    The meds they gave me were: percocet(pain killer), extra strength ibuprofen(perscription version), and some little blue pill which im still not sure what it is for but they only gave me 3. Then i had to continue the anti-infection blue/green pills 3x a day.

    Honestly, percocet has not really done anything for me.  It will allow me to sleep for about an hour or so but its not comfortable sleep.

    the 1st day i was not hungry (side effect of anestheshia) but you need to eat something with all pain killers because they are so high in acid that once they hit your stomach they will eat away at your stomach and this will cause you to throw up.  I ate chicken broth.if you are still numb like i was, sit in front of a mirror and using a plastic spoon, spoon the broth in your mouth with your head tilted back and just swallow. it will take some getting used.

    the 2nd day the bleeding went down a lot and i started to get the feeling back in my tongue and bottom lip which was AMAZING because I could swallow again and i wasnt drooling from not being able to feel my bottom lip.

    All i ate the 2nd day was wonton soup broth (soooo good let me tell you) and Naked juice (buy at grocery store so many flavors i recommend strawberry/banana.) again, i was not that hungry but ate just before taking the meds.  slight discomfort but basically just worn out, not a whole lot of energy.

    and it is the 3rd day and I have stopped bleeding, i do not have to wear the gauze anymore and I had yogurt this morning for breakfast and wonton soup broth/Naked juice for lunch and prob the same for dinner, maybe try some jello.  I am a little shaky on trying solid food still so i am sticking to what i am comfortable with.  I dont have to wear the ice packs anymore unless i want to and i can not start brushing my teeth with toothpaste (not past 1st molar) and apply heat on my face if i want.

    also! do NOT forget to rinse your mouth out with salt water/baking soda!! this is how you will disinfect your mouth until you can open your jaw enough and are comfortable enough to brush all your teeth.

    Take one cup warm water and add 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and mix.  Use this to move around in your mouth ( tilt head side-side,back-front,etc) do not gargle or swish.  the salt is to disinfect and the baking soda is for the smell (your mouth will smell a little like old blood so keep it clean!) rinse after every time you eat and take your gauze out!

    i am actually doing a lot better than i thought, just still really worn out. you will be FINE. i was worried and honestly you wont even remember ANYTHING. i was knocked out in a SECOND literally.

    good luck!

  6. The actual procedure is only as painful as the initial injection - from then on you're anaesthetised.

    You'll need to try not to chew with the bits where there used to be teeth for about a week afterwards though - jamming some food in there could really hurt.

  7. It varies from person to person.  I had no pain at all when I had 4 of mine removed.  In fact, I went to work the next day even though the doctor told me to take two days off (I would have had to take the days off without pay since I didn't have them pre-scheduled).  They gave me a prescription for Percocet, but I didn't even need them.

  8. The procedure does not hurt at all, espically if they are putting you under. I had all four of mine removed two weeks ago, one of them was impacted. I was in lots of pain approximately 2 hours after the surgery and that pain stayed with me for about 10 days. I would recommend you stock up on lots of soft food: mashed potatoes, ice cream for milkshakes, slim fast/ensure, and apple sauce.

    You will not be allowed to drink anything out of a straw for at least 10 days. I was able to eat about 4 hours after surgery but it was pudding and nothing more substantial than that for the first 24 hours. I would see how you feel but being as you are so young you will heal faster than me (I am 27).

    Every person is different just make sure to follow your post op instructions carefully and you will be fine. But allow your body to heal properly, do not try to "speed up" the process.

  9. i haven't had my wisdom teeth removed but from what i've heard getting them removed isn't painful at all - you won't even be able to feel it.  however, the recovery is painful because your gums and cheeks will swell.  it differs for everyone but if you keep an ice pack on both cheeks all the time after they are removed you'll likely recover in 2-3 days.  you probably won't be able to eat any solid foods for about 3 days but you can have drinks, eat ice cream and jello and very soft foods.

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