
How painful is it to get the rook of your ear pierced?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike < a diagram of the ear you need one to know the piercings..

I've already had each lobe pierced 3 times and my helix on my right side, was just wondering how painful the rook would be in comparison to these?

Also, which dyu think would look better:a rook or anti-helix piercing? (FYI, I wouldn't be getting it with big hoops, but with little studs)





  1. That&#039;s so tacky and unsexy.

    One piercing (on the lobe) is all you need and that&#039;s if you&#039;re female.

  2. eh i had them both done at one point, it&#039;s bad enough but not horrible so i&#039;m sure you&#039;ll be fine. it&#039;s a pretty hard piece of cartilage so it&#039;s a bit worse than a helix but it&#039;s nothing compared to a septum piercing ;)

  3. If all You got is little studs , best maybe You get another Job ..

          When You do get Your rook pierced , maybe You can tell Us  

          All , How bad it hurt ..

          Bye the way , are You trying to out run a pirate ship ..

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