
How painful is it to have wisdom teeth pulled?

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How painful is it to have wisdom teeth pulled?




  1. not painful at all. i was under local anesthia. they told me to count down from 100 and i counted as far as 90 then woke up. no initial pain. a little soreness after anesthesia wore out. didnt get dry sockets which was a very good thing. just keep the sockets rinsed out once in a while. If your worried about pain they'll prescribe ya some decent pain killers.

  2. It largely depends on how much anesthesia you have. Your dentist should at least inject some painkillers in the region of the mouth where he will pull them out. And perhaps even give you a more general anesthesia like nitrous oxide. This makes it almost painless.

    It can be VERY painful if you choose not to use painkillers. I STRONGLY recommend against going that route.

  3. It varies greatly from person to person.  The day I had it done I was in kind of bad pain, but the pain medicine kept me asleep most of the day.  The next three days I basically had a headache that I took only Advil for, because I couldn't drive while taking the Tylenol-3.  One key is to keep an ice pack on your face, alternating 10 minutes per side.  This will reduce the swelling and therefor minimize the pain.  I'm sure at least one person will answer and tell you that it's horribly painful, but I really believe that it depends on the surgeon and several other factors.  Lastly, make sure to follow the surgeon's post operation instructions very carefully, this will speed the recovery and minimize the pain.

  4. rinsing the sockets out is bad news as it washes out the blood clot and can CAUSE dry socket!

    the job isnt painful at the time and may not be after, though it can b e- the best after  pain relief is from paracetamol /aspirin rather than anything that can be prescribed,though a prescription looks impressive.

  5. it didn't hurt at all when i had mine pulled, but some of my friends said it's pretty painful, so i guess it depends.

  6. It's not that bad compared to other things, but make sure you don't get dry sockets; rinse those babies out all the time. I got dry sockets and it was excruciating. If I didn't have them though, I would have been perfectly happy with my pain pills =)

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