
How paranoid has this place made you

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How paranoid has this place made you




  1. Just ask the camera hidden in your lamps.

  2. What place?

    Yahoo answers I'm assuming?

    If that's what you mean than.... not at all.. lol

  3. Paranoia is mental illness, so I would say this place has not made me paranoid.

    Just a feeling that all is not what it seems, sometimes.

    It's only a website & I tend to not take it as seriously as I used to.

  4. it scares the **** out of me, thats why you

    don't see me in here often, i get scared

    and have to go to P&S.

  5. Ask him over there,the one behind the settee

  6. Naw, besides being paranoid means having all the facts.........

  7. Where?

    I don't get it.

  8. Not at all lol just have a job keeping up with the questions!

  9. not in the slightest

    cartoon avatars don't trend to bring out my paranoid side  

  10. Not at all?

  11. So paranoid I must stay under a blanket and rock back and forth, sucking my thumb and crying for my mother.

  12. earth or what?

  13. I have this awful fear that some one will ask if the site makes me paranoid.  :-)  And worse still with a name of "you know who"  now I am sure they are out to get me lol.

    Some of the questions (especially repeated ones of the same thing over and over again such as the 2012 issue) do drive me crazy but I don't think that could be described as paranoia, they are not out to get us,  just too  lazy to check previous answers before posting!

  14. In this virtual world of snakes and ladders, being astute is my only crime ;-)

  15. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

  16. Which place? Yahoo Answers?

  17. Not very

  18. I am protected by a hat of kitchen foil and blacked out windows....they can't get me now!

  19. I know they are watching me, even been told that my ISP provider is monitoring my downloading and use of peer to peer calls using the computer to phone someone. that is not been paranoid that is been told that they are by themselves.  

  20. It has made me want ot waste tiem on questions I would normally only bother with in the pub after a few beers!

  21. Eh? Why would it make someone paranoid?

  22. i think you need to get out more mate.

  23. It didn't untill you posed this question!

    I am now!

  24. not very... I get paranoid for reasonable things like late school work, meeting new people, and if I have enough money for a new laptop. :D

  25. aint made n effect on me yet

  26. Look into my eyes,look into my eyes.You will pick my answer as best.

  27. Paranoid!? Is that what they're saying about me now?

  28. Paranoid?


    Don't think so.

    Just at loss and blurred.

    Why living human kind were still climbing up the coconut trees.

    Still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

    Without being aware on clinging onto a coconut tree.

    Living in misery like cave-men with club on the shoulder.

    Still living in caves.

    In moving backwards in time.

    In different time zone.

    In "Planet of Apes"

    Blind as a bat

    Hanging up side-down in caves in the 21st century.

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  29. Why are you always picking on me?

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