
How pathetic am i, seriously?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 16 years old and have never had a boyfriend or ever been kissed. its not like i'm some freak, either. i have good friends, im well liked at school, i think i'm a bit prettier than average, i get very good grades, i'm a little bit of an overachiever, but i am shy. still though, i dont know many people who havent had any guy experience by this age! i dont even know how to go about finding a bf. anyways, am i pathetic for this?




  1. No you're not pathetic at all. Maybe guys are just intimated by your looks and brains. Also you come off as a little arrogant and guys might pick up on it because you seem like such a perfectionist. Just relax and in no time you'll find a right guy. Don't rush things....

  2. Nope, you're just like my best friend and this other girl that I know. Actually the other girl I know just isn't nice to boys. Or pretty. But my best friend is a cutie :]

  3. no.

    im the same way, kind of.

    except im 17.

  4. No, you sound like me.

    I just found a boyfriend, and I'm 16 too.

    You have to wait for the right guy.

    Looking for one will only end in trouble.

    It isn't a bad thing not to have a boyfriend yet.

    It just means you're waiting for that special someone.

  5. Definitely not. Your time is coming and you'll win big time when it does. Trust me.

  6. not at all.

    my brother and my sister didn't get their first kiss till they were around 17.

    just relax.

  7. You are not pathetic at all! based on this question and the other with the pics, you seem like just about everything a guy could want.=) the guys at your school probably think your just way out of their league. i answered your other question with the pic too, but that had over 100 answers tho so i figured you might actually read all the answers to this question. dam im so jealous of your first bf... yeah im 16 too btw

  8. not pathetic.

    just shy. just try to get yourself out there a little more and dont worry about what other people think about you. flirt with all the cute boyyysss.

  9. no you're not pathetic at all! in fact you're quite the opposite :)...most people rush into these things when they're way too young and end up making mistakes and regretting it.

    Well done for waiting hun :)...

    and you're not alone either, i have friends who were 18 and over before they kissed or had boyfriends :)

  10. i am exactly like you. i am 16 and the same as everything you said.  you are not pathetic. i rather date or go out with someone that i actually like. like all the kids in my school go out with random people just to look cool when they makeout in the hallways. at least you and i are mature and don't do the first guy you go out with or see. i rather wait until i am able to drive so i don't have to ask my mommy to drive us every where lol. but seriously how do kids who can't drive go on dates? i think it is pathetic when there parents have to drive them lol.

  11. post a pic of yoursellf

  12. Nope.. I was 17 first time I had a boyfriend, and almost 18 the first time I kissed a guy.. So don't worry, and enjoy being single.  You'll have a chance to figure out exactly who you are, which will make you a lot more interesting to other guys. :)

  13. Your type typically goes to college and then falls for the first guy that asks you out once you have your degree and your first job.  Enjoy.

  14. No you aren't pathetic, your 16 and sound like you are quite mature for your age. Good judgment is always best. The right time will come around. Enjoy being you.

  15. pushhhaww. don't worry . :D

    i'm 15. and a.. half? haha, and you sound just like my future self.

    at least now i know i'm not a freak. sounds like we're in the very same boat.

  16. No, you're not pathetic.

    Where does it state that you have to have had a boyfriend by the time you're sixteen?

  17. no youre not pathetic you seem really sweet and cute

    my kinda girl ;)

  18. Hun, you are not pathetic. I was 18 before I had my first boyfriend and kiss. Give yourself a break and just enjoy being 16. :)

  19. Im only 13, but if I was 16 I wouldn't be worried about boys instead I would try to concentrate on my education and put more focus into my school work. Do you really need a boyfriend? It's not like the relationship would last, after all this is high school. I understand you feel like your missing out, but seriuosly what can a boy friend give you? Status, expierence, fun? I wish teens would worry more about important things than such trivial matters. No offense.

  20. hey, i think you're very attractive. i saw your other question. im in the same situation as you right now. im 17 and i havent had a gf or been kissed. i guess we just have to wait for the right time. it sucks but there's not a lot we can do about it. if we rush it, things probably wont work out and we'll be hurt in the end..

  21. ure not pathetic ure the same as me! im in the same situation as u r.. it shuldnt bother u, trust me we will find someone worth it!

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