
How peer group influence adolescents' life?

by Guest61979  |  earlier

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How peer group influence adolescents' life?




  1. if the kid hangs with people who studies hard, then the kid will study hard. if the kid hangs with people who party all night, then the kid will party all night.

    peer group can influence a lot on an adolescent. its called adaption to environment. for example, Sarah used to be very quiet but when she started hanging out with Tina, an outgoing and fashionable girl who parties all night. Sarah is then forced to be outgoing and fashionable to be accepted in that new environment.

  2. I guess it gives teens someone to talk to. We had to do this last year and I hated having to spill my guts to strangers, but I'm sure some people who had stuff they wanted to get off their chest or nobody to talk to found it relieving and beneficial

  3. Peer groups have more influence on adolescence than parents do. This can at times be a negative influence. What peer groups do is make individuals act in ways that at times can be socially unacceptable, in order to remain within the group. The influence the group has over the individual is such that they tend to lose their individuality (in certain areas) in order to conform with the group. Peer pressure can cause kids to take drugs, have s*x, drive to fast, take risks, etc. But peer groups can also be positive if they are set up to help their peers in areas such as study groups, suicide prevention, s*x-ed, sports, etc.

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