
How peope in north Canada survive as there is extreme cold?

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Don't give fkin bullshit answer and if u don't know about Canada then you don't need to write "I don't know" just get the fk out of Question.

I really wana know how is lifestyle of north and central Canadian people?




  1. I've lived in Alaska my whole life. Same equatorial distance as much of Canada. Major differences I see compared to friends in more southern states:

    i start my car and let it run for 15 minutes before I go anywhere

    i have a higher bills to pay because of extra electrical and gas use to keep the house warm.

    when going outdoors i have to wear very warm extras, hats, gloves, parka.

    not many activities to do out in the cold weather, mainly ski/snowboard, snow machine, sno-shoe. other then that, stay indoors.

    That's all I can think of that is different. It's darker here longer, so that's a drag, less daytime kind of gets depressing.

  2. It really isn't that cold.   -20 is entirely bearable if you own a good hat and a good winter coat.  Canadians are also masters of dressing in layers.

    Keep in mind that extreme cold is not the standard in Canada.   Everywhere in Canada there are 4 seasons, this includes a very warm summer.

  3. check out how Eskimos live and then fk off

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