
How people agrees that Anime from Japan translated to English is bad? ?

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Like Naruto for an example.... People who watch the anime in Japanese and then watch in English and thinks Naruto's catch verse "Believe It" annoying or WTF!?




  1. I do.

    But not all dubbed anime is bad.

    And I hate Viz (the people who dubbed Naruto.) All their Voice Actors suck.

    Funimation is better.

  2. Totally agree. Watch the abridged series, and they made fun of it. Companies like Tokyopop, Viz, Delrey manga, and others try their best with translating, but its not even close. Same with anime. The phrases that the anime is translated are not even close to what the characters or narrators are saying. Companies like Geneon, Viz, Tokyopop, and Funimation try their best, but its not even close. This is part of the reasons why I like fansubs better.

    In Naruto, dubbed, when they say its chow time or down the hatch, its not even close to itadakimasu (bad spelling).  

  3. I usually don't like dubbed, because they mess up the translation and normally their voices sound completely different!  

  4. I surely do

    I can't watch them in other languages, just in japanese. Its something like a knife scrathing a metal table under urs ears.

    Ah, it really push my buttons.

    Like u said, IT'S SO MUCH ANNOYING to hear thins like "Believe It" or smt.

    So I use to download it all not translated, but with subtitles.

    Thank God, there exists so many fansubs.


  5. most dub is horrible

    though i think that cowboy bebop is an exception.

    pretty much the one and only exception.

  6. In Japan anime is more common than it is in the U.S., when an anime is licensed by an American company they’re objective is profit not audience. I'm sure when Viz Licensed Naruto they knew that if they marketed it to children they would make huge profits and have great success, which it did. See that's not something that the Japanese concern themselves with, hence no cheesy catch phrases or unnecessary censorship. That's why most loyal anime fans prefer english subbed content over the dubbed version that are released several years behind the original japanese content.

  7. I kinda like the dub of Naruto, I don't get why people hate it (excpet with the Believe it part) they sound just like the Japanese's voice but speaking English to me. But whatever, I think the case of American dubbing, subbing is like werid people say that the s***w up the original meaning/ translation of an anime, but I can't tell how many people arguing this actually speaks Japanese, most watch fansubs and then watch the Lisenced release and say it wrong, how do they know? I must disagree whole-heartily Pseudonymity, Japan worry just as much as making a profit like their American Countparts. Like come on the make hundred of anime titles each year, ripping it off from manga novels, and video games, wheather they are really all that popular or not. They are trying to sell their product and they are willing to pander to any audience they have to. Yes, they even edit down the manga so it can be suitable for TV and the audience they're selling it to, and yes just like the American companies. Don't get me wrong I know a bad dub if I see one, but dubbing has gotten better over the years.

    Yes Funimation is awesome

  8. しょうがないね。日本語の面白い表現は英語に翻訳すればつまんなくなってしまうから。

  9. It all depends on the person's opinion on dubs... personally... I hate dubs lol...

    ( ^▽^)

  10. For a long time now the general consensus amongst hardcore anime fans has been that dubs just plain ruin many anime.  There are a few exceptions, but they are, indeed rare.  There are often times when something simply cannot be translated to the same exact meaning, so something "similar" is substituted and it's horribly distracting to someone 'in the know.'  I've even found that some American licensors even s***w up their translated subtitles. Anime is best appreciated in it's original form, with japanese seiyuu and not American voice actors who exaggerate every emotion into silliness.


  11. Yeah i hate Naruto in english they sound so ugh, but it Japanese it suits them better.

  12. yes naurto is very bad but i still watch it just because i really dont want to read the lines but not all animes are bad like cowboy bebop,death note,ect well thats just for me but Viz is really bad like there voices are **** but dont all anime dub are bad thats not true

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