
How player stats effect tennis betting?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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While betting on tennis match, should I focus on current player stats. Does it effect the result of tennis betting in any way. Please specify.




  1. Pay less attention to what a player has done in previous years, and more attention to recent tournaments. As an individual sport, players who are hot are usually hot for a reason. It may be a new coach who’s helped them improve their clay court game or helped develop their fitness. It may be that a player is a young, up and comer who’s time has come. It might be that he/she has a renewed dedication to the game, or a lack of injuries that plagued them in previous seasons.

    Whatever the reasons, tennis players tend to be streaky. Follow those streaks and use them to your advantage. Likewise, look to bet against players who are out of form in recent tournaments.

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