
How politely email family and friends for money for a used car? Mine, towed when 4 mo. in hosp. & rehab.?

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Car towed frm apt. complex: dead plates. I was in emergency surgery. MDs told my 3 adult kids I prob'ly wouln't live. Towed car wasn't important. When home, 4 months later; car'd been remaindered for $100, tho' it would have cost $900 to retrieve it -- with still dead plates.

I normally teach Community College writing, adjunct (part time); I'm still recovering; means I'm not teaching and no income, except @1K month in retirement that covers my apt. rent. Car's *essential* for MD appts, *teaching;* all. My daughter'd been helping a lot; she suffered Caretaker Meltdown.

*So,* are there a polite ways to ask family; good friends, to contribute to me for downpayment on used, functional car? Or, full cost on a used, functional car. [Fam'ly; friends not poor; just think "begging" is "tacky." I think.]

==> More I need to know, like set up an account? There's no one to ask on my behalf, I don't think. TIA




  1. I wuld never ask anyone for money, but if you are going to do it, I would just send out a very nice letter to people, explaining what happened and ask if anyone would be willing to gift you a bit of money.  Don't borrow it...borrowing from family just causes issues.

    However, I would suggest just getting a loan for the car.  That's what I would do.

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