
How politically gullible/stupid can the American public really be?

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How politically gullible/stupid can the American public really be?




  1. don't look at me...i didn't vote for bush.

  2. Every decision starts with the individual.  Every action is an individual action.  All rational action is is invidual action.  Only the individual thinks.  Only the individual reasons.  Only the individual acts.

    To the extent that there are many problems is because the individual has been disregarded.  We have replace the "I" with "we."  Any problem, or perceived problem, is cause for concern by those who claim it is a problem and ought to be solved "collectively."  Last I heard there was no such thing as a "collective conscience," except if one considers the "Borg Collective" to be the "collective conscience."

    The American public is gullible and stupid because they are not educated in economics and history.  Studying economics and history would awaken the American people to what is unseen economically and politically.

    Most, if not, all Americans read, see, hear, and think what they're being fed by the so-called mainstream media, academia, Republicans/Democrats, and other elitist groups who tell people they have the answers if only they were listened to.  Americans don't want to think too hard for themselves because it probably is too time consuming and wastes too much energy.

    Unfortunately, most, if not, all Americans believe:

    1. Only Republicans/Democrats have the answers and only they can win the Presidency.

    2. The War on Terror will go away once we've withdrawn from Iraq.

    3. The government is responsible for making our monthly mortgage payments.

    4. The government is responsible for health care.

    5. The government is responsible for the economy.

    6. The government is going to save the environment.

    7. The government is responsible for protecting us from external threats.

    Just what do we NOT want government responsible for?  Ask yourselves that question!

    This is why we have elected such "jerks" to political office never mind the Republicans/Democrats have controlled the political system since the election of 1860.

  3. When you bunch people all together - as a whole you are not going to get smart policy, no matter what the country. Mobs are not smart - individuals are.The public is usually easily misled, whether one is selling them a car, a "new" mop or politics.

    The US is not unique in this regard.

    I agree with another answerer - could it possibly get worse? In this case it might just be voting the lesser of two evils - inexperience is not great...but continuing along the same downward spiral is the worse choice of the two.

  4. Perhaps due to its blind overwhelming support to a leadership that invaded another country, the result of which is now showing in the national economy.

  5. I don't really expect some guy or gal to be aware of how manipulated we are. People are BUSY and WORRIED !!!

    But I'll give an example of how we are being manipulated, and manipulated by very smart people.

    I hear on every program the BIG QUESTION "Why can't Obama close the sale???" Over and over and over. This is the blatant use of psychology to raise questions about Sen. Obama and his UNIQUE Presidential campaign, to cast doubt on his candidacy. They NEVER NEVER NEVER ask why Sen. McCain can't close the sale. Nope.  McCain thinks Iraq and Afghanistan have a common border, ha, he doesn't even know the geography of the mideast !!! But no comment. McCain has voted against helping our veterans seven times in a row, but the MSM doesn't report that. Nope, McSame is TOO heroic !!

    Very strong psychology is being used to manipulate this election !!!!!!  It's not that we are stupid or gullible, its that we are being psychologically manipulated by very smart people !!!

  6. Many voted for the incompetent one more than once.

  7. What the American Public doesn't know, is exactly what makes them the American Public.

  8. Sure?

    Look at the mirror on the wall?

    Notice anything?

    Who's climbing up the coconut tree?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. Just when I thought they'd reached the pinnacle of stupidity....they find one more step to take.

  10. I look at it this way:

    anything, ANYTHING has to be better than Bush.

  11. i am not sure if your words are those that should be used.  i think that americans have such a short memory that makes them seem like they are gullible and stupid.   the poor people have been voting for the liberal democrats for years and years because the democrats keep telling them that they are the party of the poor and will lift them up from this bondage.   well the poor are still poor and yet they still vote for the democrats election after election      go  figure  huh

    mr  doodles

  12. Very, look at congress, 8% approval what a marvel.

  13. "How politically gullible/stupid can the American public really be?" Well it depends on what you're referring to. The answers listed so far just seem to back their side or their parties side of things. I don't think we're necessary gullible or stupid, but are led astray by the media and emotional connections to one of the major political parties.

  14. Example. From The 1970's onward there were warnings about the oil supply. Also during that time hi jackings of jets flying during the Crises by terrorists like The P.L.O. and others. The reasons for the Hi Jackings were political. Suppose though sabatoge were the motive. Seeing as The Gov did nothing it would seen terrorists are the only people with the will and means to end The Crisis. Every destroyed plane and shut down Air Port helps. Were the people sent out of planes and airports before demolition this approach would provoke less confrontational approach by Authorities. Thing is people are sent to prison for this as well as theft of cars. Suppose pirates, terrorists, and car thieves were paid to do what The Gov and citizens refuse to do destroy The Automobile and aircraft. Of coursemight be guillable to expect pirates to be nice about it but letters of marque and standards of conduct may help. Point is The Authorities can with badges in hand board are craft and get them to land but will not help  end The Oil Use through Legal Means.

  15. I don't know about that but I would say lazy and a love of the blame game. Some are too busy working 3 jobs to support their families. Some are too sleep deprived. Some are on drugs. (quite a lot, some legal)

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