
How popular is cricket in Australia?

by Guest60240  |  earlier

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Even though they are world champions, I heard that cricket is not that popular in Australia. It's the national sport... but is it really, or is it just in name? Is it behind AFL, Rugbies, Football in terms of following and playing?




  1. its 4rth or 5th popular game in australia

  2. There was a recent survey conducted by Tennis Australia that found Tennis was the most famous in the world.

    Well, i think thats just a load of bull. U can't trust Tennis Australia! By the looks of it, its cricket!

    AFL is only played in southern states like Victoria, Tasmania, SA, WA.

    Rugby league is only famous most in NSW and Queensland. People in Victoria haven't even heard of it! LOL

    Edit: To Horatio Caine, people in Melbourne have heard of Rugby (i only was joking before). But the Melbourne rugby team is probably full of players from other states as rugby isn't famous there.

  3. Cricket is the one sport that is loved by the vast majority of Aussies. All of us have different opinions on the winter sports (RU,RL, AFL, football etc), but the one thing that unites all Aussies is their love of cricket.

    Don't know where "jonesy" got his facts from, but I can guarantee you that rugby (union) gets far, far more than 6,000 people at a match.

    I could take you to a schoolboy rugby match in Brisbane that gets a bigger crowd than 6,000 (e.g Nudgee College vs St Josephs Gregory Terrace, or Brisbane Grammar vs Nudgee).

    Sydney would be the same, go along to any GPS match and have a look.

    Shall I mention the Super14 or test match crowds? Let's look and see what the attendance figures will be for this weekend's test against the AB's in Brisbane. A sell-out for sure!!!

  4. not that much as you expected ~

  5. Though Cricket is considered as the national Sports in Australia, a wide variety of sports are plahyed throughout the country.. According to official government statistics, in 2005–06, the most popular sports in terms of crowd attendance were Australian rules football, horse racing, motorsport, rugby league, cricket, rugby union and soccer (Association football), in that order

  6. It's second behind AFL. No doubt about that. Rugby is no where near cricket. They get 6 000 people per game in rugby, it's atrocious.  

  7. It is popular during our summer but the response is no where as great as AFL football.  

  8. OIM, they do play rugby league in Victoria, the Melbourne team were last years premiers! You don't believe any of those surveys, another recently said tennis was first then cricket, but any thinking Aussie knows that's c**p too.Pukebob, just where in Australia do you live? Bill is right, cricket is played in every city, town & village in Australia, even the very smallest of them AFL is a winter sport played in one state mainly, with just a few teams outside Victoria.

  9. Whover told you that is having a lend of you mate. It is the best thing going round in Australia. Maybe the grounds arent as full as they should be, but check the TV ratings for match days! The reason many of us don't attend the actual games is  distance, & our extreme summer temperatures.But I have friends who travel over 1000 miles to see the boxing day match every year, & I dare say there are many like them. But overall, our crowds aren't too bad considering the population & distances between cities.

  10. It is the national sport. You can't compare the different football codes as they are all winter sports. Horse racing has the numbers but only for certain carnivals.

    For cricket all you have to do is drive around and every oval in summer has cricketers on it. For the national sport you have to look at participation as well as attendances.

  11. Government statistics for 2007-08, place in order of attendance records, Aussie Rules, Horse Racing, Motorsport, and Rugby League ahead of Cricket, followed by Rugby Union and Football. Cricket does ok for a fifth rated sport, wouldn't you say ?

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