
How popular is soccer in Vietnam?

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I'll be moving to Vietnam to teach English in about a year, and I really like getting to know the community and neighbors around me. I know when I lived in Central America, I could just go outside with a few friends and start playing soccer, and kids would come rushing. Is it pretty popular in Vietnam as well? If not, what are some other ways to get to know the community and people around me, since I really like to immerse myself in the culture I am living in.




  1. I am from Veitnam they don't play soccer

  2. Soccer has gained tremendous push in  Vietnam and I think you can expect fever pitch excitement as well over here. Soccer has grown in popularity and the standard has improved by leaps and bounds such that Vietnam is a force to reckon with in this part of Asia.

  3. Soccer in Viet Nam is like football in the US. It's a good start!

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