
How pregnant is my cat?

by  |  earlier

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my cat is pregnant, but I am not sure how much. When I rub her stomach, I could feel several lumps, but she is not that big. Her stomach pokes from the sides, and she is eating alot. She follows me and meows alot, and wants to be close to someone all the times. She is sleeping alot, even in the night, and meows very loudly when I try to pick her up. She is l*****g her bottom alot, and sometimes hisses for no reason. She growls sometimes, in a deep, low murmuring sound, then gets up, and moves. Any help?




  1. My guess is a lot.

  2. she sounds very pregnant.  She will most likely have her kittens sometimes within the next few days.  This is EXACTLY how my cat acted the day before she had her cats.  

  3. yea

  4. I would say she is due within the next week or 2.  Of course there's no way to know unless she gets an ultrasound at the vet office or you know when she was with another cat (male)

    She probably is hissing & growling at her unborn kittens.  Well, not really them, but the movements they are making.  If this is her first litter, she may be very confused.  When she does have them, make sure she is taking care of them. If she's not a good momma, time for a spay.

  5. take her to the vet to get her checked if she pregnant or not.

  6. very she will have them in about 2 weeks

  7. When Biter was pregnant, she was pretty fat! She no longer fit through the cat-door. She regained her feline shape after kittening. She will retain this shape due to permanent birth control!

  8. Be prepared, in a 2 weeks at the LEAST is when she's going to have her litter! Get a comfortable bed ready for the kittens and prepare in the many other ways. Comfort her and encourage her to be a Mom in her own ways. But, be careful not to touch the kittens at the beginning, most Mom cats will eat them or abandon them. Trust me. Good luck with the new babies!

    -Cheeko ♥

  9. Very pregnant

  10. If you can feel kittens she must be close to being due- cats gestation is around 63 days.  I'd be sure to feed her kitten food until the kitties are weened.

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