
How prevelant are drug use in junior high school really?

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what age did you take your first alcoholic drink?

what drugs have you seen or heard about being used in your school?

Are kids in JHS really having s*x? What ages? How do you know?




  1. ok I was 13

    I know that there is basically any drug in the world at middle and high schools

    and ya most kids are doing it. from ages 11 because I was in middle school not to long ago

  2. Umm, I'm not doing any of those things. Never have, and I'm a junior in high school. HOWEVER, almost all the kids I know were doing all that stuff in JHS.  

  3. I was 13 when I first got drunk (had tasted alcohol before that, but never drunk) in my Jr. High, in Santa Cruz, Ca in '98-2000 there was a lot of weed smoking going on, and I heard rumors of people taking Extasy, but I never saw anything else besides weed until high school.  

    Only a few kids in my Jr. High were actually having s*x (though that started happening very quickly as soon as we started high school) I know that because we would all talk about it.  Those of us who never did, wanted to know every detail from anyone who had because we were very curious.  Most kids in Jr. High I knew 'hooked up': made out and touched, dry humped etc.

    Keep in mind though that I was in the 'popular crowd' with all the girly girls and jocks.  I always had the feeling that the 'dorkier' kids weren't doing the stuff we were doing.

  4. This will vary from school to school. If you are trying to figure out about drug use in a specific school your best bet is to ask students/teachers that go there.

    I went to several different junior high schools when I was a kid. Most had little drug use except for marijuana and alcohol. It wasn't the sort of thing that you had to put in effort to avoid. Some people were into that stuff, and if you weren't you just didn't hang out with them. I did go to a couple of schools where Methamphetamine and Cocaine were popular. You want to avoid schools like that. Look for kids getting fidgety and irritable toward the end of the day, they are having withdrawal and are anxious to get their next fix.

  5. You have to realize when you go on here that you are talking to many people all over the world.  All schools are different.  I think drug use is pretty prevalent in schools, and that kids are having s*x, unfortunately, in junior high.  I first drank in 8th or 9th grade, but just a couple of those little tiny bottles shared with a friend, then I quit and didn't drink again until senior year.  Everyone is different.  

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