
How promiscuous where you in highschool?

by Guest31960  |  earlier

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How promiscuous where you in highschool?




  1. Having just a few casual encounters in my highschool was considered promiscuous, because I went to one of those goody-two shoe preppy highschools.

    People did exaggerate my sexual activity to make it seem much more worse than it is. I did have a reputation for being a "sl*t," but it's not like I was with a different guy every month.  I did go through months of not having any sexual activity, but indulged myself when the time arose (if it was a guy I was strongly attracted to, and I didn't have any interest in most of the guys in my school).

    If I could change things, I probably would..I'm an adult now, and I do see why my actions may not have been the smartest, but at the same time I had fun and learned some things.

    Luckily, I'm STD-free and didn't get pregnant.

  2. I wasn't. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18, and I didn't date in high school at all.

  3. I was the last of my friends to lose my virginity when I was a senior in a loving relationship.

    I was very proud that the boys could never talk about me the way they did the others.

  4. I wasn't at all promiscuous.  Had one boyfriend.

  5. I was a virgin.

  6. Not at all. I'm still a virgin and this is my 3rd year in college.

  7. Not at all - I stayed a virgin until my second year of college...

  8. I had one boyfriend throughout high school. And I was very promiscuous with him starting at age 17. :)

  9. I'm a junior right now. I've only had 3 relationships, and only one "serious" one. I never even kissed my first two boyfriends. My current partner is responsible for my first everything, really-- first kiss, first french kiss, first love, first not-gonna-give-you-too-many-details. I am, however, still a virgin.

  10. I wanted to get the heck out of the rural midwest town I was in-I was a virgin all through high school. No way was I taking any chances of getting knocked up and having my life ruined -  I was in high school 1972 - 1976 and abortion wasn't legal in the US until 1973-and it would have been extremely difficult to find someone in 1973 who'd give an underage teen an abortion. Heck if I couldn't legally get birth control-how was I going to get an abortion?

    FYI: Until a ruling by the US Supreme Court in 1973 it wasn't legal to sell birth control to unmarried men or women as well. Forget about teen-agers. The first time I could legally buy birth control was in 1976 after I turned 18. It wasn't until 1977 that the Supreme Court finally started ruling that teens 16 and over could legally buy birth control.

  11. I'm in high school and not promiscuous at all, but respectable instead :)

  12. I quit highschool in the 9th grade..but was already 16.

    long story as to why i was that old in the 9th...and yes i did fail once.

    anyhow ive never been promiscuios in school at all.

    and im still not.

  13. I wasn't at all. I had my first relatiomship at 14 and lost my virginity at 15 but we are still married!

  14. I had two partners, not considered permiscuous where I'm from.

  15. I had a boyfriend all through highschool so I wasn't at all.  Then I met my husband in college, got married.

  16. High school was one giant orgy!! I was a freak (and still am,its just with my husband now though). s*x is great way to express yourself as long as you doing it because YOU WANT TO and not to impress others,as a lot of girls and guys in high school do.

  17. I was a virgin, but only because all the boys at my school were unattractive and inept.

    If it had been full of hotties, I'm sure I would have been at least a little promiscuous.

  18. I got pregnant in high school. I only had one partner in High School. I ended up marrying him later to divorce him 6 years later. :( I have had 5 partners my entire life. I am 29.

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