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I feel like a big failure, no one supports me in being an actor, I really am passionate about it but no one supports me not my parents me teachers didn't, my so called friends laugh at me, my uncle thinks its a stupid dream and I shouldn't go after it im 20 years old and I have no experience.

is it possible?




  1. First of all, if you want to have a career with acting then you most definitely need an agent. But you cannot just get an agent. You need a lot of training and experience first for that to happen. You should start off by trying out for lead roles in school plays, or local community stuff for plays. Then eventually, you should get a headshot of yourself and send the pictures to many agents and casting directors to see if they want you along with your resume. If you do get an agent, you will have to audition, audition, audition for roles. There will be alot of rejection because it is hard to get a role with many others fighting for it too. This business is incredibly competitive.

    if you want to become a big time actress then you will need tons and tons and tons of luckkkkk!, talent, commitment, determination, sacrifices, time, patience, & more. because chance of that happening is very slim. You must enjoy what you are doing and have a passion for it because if you don't, you probably won't be happy and successful. Do not do it for money and fame because you won't get anywhere. This is reality. If you do have a strong passion for it and really want to do this then go for it. You're doing what you love.

    Btw, i hear a lot of this from people. "How much are agents?, are they expensive?"

    Agents only get 10% of what you make. That's how they make the money. The pay you get from acting in roles, they get 10% of tht. understand? Also, you do not pay agents up front or anything extra like that. they are not legit and are just running after your money. Make sure that this agent is legit. But you won't get in agent till laater.

    DO NOT GOOGLE OPEN CASTING CALLS ! 99.9% of them are SCAMS. Trust me, it's not somewher you want to go. They will take your information and use it. Also, they will take alot of YOUR MONEY. it's NOT legit at all, no matter how reall they seem. Especially the ones that almost gaurentee success are the ones tht are scams. scam scam scam, They are all over the business. You can't get real roles from online, you need an agent to get them for you. Casting directors only give these roles directly to agents. Which is why getting an agent is vital to get these roles.

    ALSOOOOOOOO, talk to your parents! sit them down and let them know you want this.

    Check out the library, they'll have books on acting.



    you'll be really lucky if u get anywhere. just so u know, if you don't get those BIG time acting roles, then don't picture yourself living in luxury. You will have to always look for work and won't make a lot of money. you need to do this because you love to and it is your passion so tht u enjoy wht ur doin and ur happy. if its for money & fame, you will not have a happy future and will most deff. not go anywhere or be famous.

    being like miley cyrus(whom has no talent) is like winning the lottery... twice!

    very, very, very hard right?.

    BUT if u are willing to go thru all of the rejection, patience, and everything, then go ahead. u will have to deal with wht goes thru it & have a strong passion for it. then u should do it! :) if not, dont even bother.

    good luck lovee ! :)


    P.S dont listen to those ppl that laugh at you. u are who u are. thts wht u wanna be. s***w them. if they can't appreciate wht u want then they are not true friends. just laugh it off and not care. U do what u want. ITS YOUR LIFE, NOT THERE'S, U CHOOSE THE WAY U WANNA LIVE IT, NOT THEM. they can worry about themselves. u dnt come with an "edit" button.

    good luck again.

  2. It's going to be a h**l of a lot harder to face the rejection if you don't have a solid support base of family and friends, but the most important thing is that you believe in yourself and your talent; however, the fact that you have no experience at the age of twenty is a problem.

    Try looking into local community theatre productions. You'll meet a lot of people that will share your passion for acting, and you'll get the experience you're looking for. Also, your family and friends will be able to see you perform and might realize that you could have something special.

    Still, I would take a moment or two to seriously consider if this is something you're merely interested in exploring, or if you truly want to throw yourself into it whole-heartedly, because that's what's required and it's incredibly hard work.

  3. I think at first you should try to get the experience you need to make sure this is what you wanna do. If not, you can try doing things in the theater, like lighting or backstage director, if you still feel driven to the theater world. You never know. Acting is just one part of a production itself.

    But by the sound of this, you seem very determined to be a part of this profession. I myself don't have too interested people supporting me, save my dad and my boyfriend.

    It's possible if you just work at it though, no matter what anyone says! I feel you can do it if you get involved. A local community theater will defiantly surround you with the people you really need to hear from.

  4. prove them all wrong. use this as motivation to do what you need to do to earn their respect. when i was going through high school, i was told from many many people, including parents and teachers that i wouldn't be able to graduate on time due to a transfer that left me short 11 credits. just to spite all of them, i worked my *** off and actually graduated early. you can do this. just use all that negativity from what should be your support network and prove them all wrong. good luck.
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